Friday, December 21, 2007

what deb's been up to...

decided to go with the Girl Scout postcards I had, & then we'll decorate plain ones. Have 11 or 12 troops that will trade with us right now!
I have been joining Girl Scout groups on Yahoo, looking for new ideas. We might join a SWAP club, or the 2008 all-state ornament exchange! A lot of the girls really enjoy making things & are good at it.

Friday, December 14, 2007

postcard exchange

have had 2 troops reply that they will trade with us! Deb will buy some Calamity Jane postcards for all the girls to sign at our January meeting!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Katie & I donated the 14 canned goods collected from the Brownie Xmas Party to the Green Hills Community Action Agency @ Princeton.
Signed up on-line for the World Thinking Day postcard exchange. Should have more info on that soon!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

brownie xmas party

It was a cold, blustery day when the the Brownies met to Christmas Carol around the square...we had our Christmas Party in the back room of the community building, where we practiced singing Xmas songs & then caroled around the square at the Avon Shop, Ragan's, Pizza Plus, & Makella Hagan's. We did the Girl Scout Promise, the Brownie Ring, played Simon Says, made Christmas Crackers & jingle bell bracelets, voted on what color t-shirts to get, and played a gift game-the kids passed a gift bag with numbered ping pong balls that matched numbered gifts on the table--when the music stopped, whoever was holding the bag drew a ping pong ball & received that gift. Peggy brought delicious homemade sugar cookies & christmas cupcakes.

"All I Want For Christmas"
Dominique: Transformers
Morrisa: Baby Alive
Rayne: laptop thing that plays movies
Breanna: millions of things, the first is $50 Baby Alive
Nicole: iPod
Danielle: MP3 player, Razor
Katie: World Peace
Kelsie: pink scooter, Heelys, iDog, iPod
Mackenzie: laptop/dvd player, tv with Hannah Montana cds & t-shirts
Zac: Real 4 wheeler & McQueen remote car

the girls brought canned goods to donate to food pantry.
Thanks to Tracy & Nellie for their help!!!