Wednesday, May 20, 2009

a planning meeting

Jazmine, Morgan, Mackenzie, Kayla, Katie, & Moriah showed up at the city park to plan our awards ceremony with Ms. Deb. here are the winners:
candle ceremony
reading a poem
singing "Lean On Me"
community building
the girls made Thank You cards for their families.
we drew for the friendship book, the winner today was Katie.
after we got home, I called Evelyn to see when the Community Building would be available on a Sunday nite at 7 p.m. Our date is June 7th.
will get invites made & in the mail.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

final badge order

has been sent in, have printed off a bunch of ideas for the girls to look at for the awards ceremony, thinking of presenting badges on flowers (another web idea).

I'd like to take the girls to the musuem in Memphis ( I think that's where it is) that has the Ella Ewing the Missouri Giantess exhibit, but if I remember right, it's a 2 hour drive. there is also a pool there...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

GS news

sending out notes asking the girls what they want to do at their award ceremony, & when their families will be available for said ceremony...June, July, or August.
the meeting will be May 20 at the city park if the weather is good. with dance practices, ball practices, ball games, family's going to be tricky. I still need to do the final badge order & find my notes on ideas for the award ceremony, plus skim thru the Journey's leaders books, they had some neat ideas, too. The main thing is for the girls to decide & plan it. (and for me to stay out of their way so they can!)