Thursday, August 27, 2009

An Official Girl Scout Camera

my mom found this for me...I don't remember if this one was hers, or the Brownie camera she gave me was hers...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mercer Homecoming 2009

our troop has ran the Baby Show ever since Katie started Girl Scouts, first with Holly Persell as her leader, then Peggy Kost, & now dear old mom. that's a given.
last year Deb & Jill thought a float would be cool, but we didn't plan in time. We didn't this year either, but are going to give it a go. Just the girls in their vests with a banner or signs throwing candy. Something Simple.
for the last several years, the Girls have danced at the Hometown Entertainment as well....but the girls are growing older & developing different interests. Katie wants to try singing solos now. Kayla does too. Some of the younger girls wanted to sing Hannah Montana.
So, with Homecoming 2009 starting next Thursday, will have a meeting Tuesday nite to vote. Do we want to ride in parade? Who is available? Does anyone want to sing? And which Hannah Montana song?
6p.m. City Park. my house if raining.
our troop is very democratic & votes on everything.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

S'more arrived in Atlanta today....

her host troop has a lot of fun stuff lined up for her & she'll come home in November! They will send us a mascot end of the month!

Friday, August 7, 2009


we have a new mascot, she is going to visit a troop in Atlanta. Why S'more? Because we always want S'more! Katie, Dominique, Lindsay, Shelby, Sierra, Morrisa hung out with her at their Let's Take A Hike meeting before she left!

Let's Take A Hike

meeting at City Park August 7th. Lindsay, Dominique, Morrisa, Katie, & special guests Shelby & Sierra did the GS Law in a circle, recited the GS Promise, Dominique got the friendship book today, then they sang some Miley Cyrus songs...Ice Cream Freeze, Hoedown Throwdown, He Could Be The One. Maybe we'll sing at Homecoming. Or maybe we'd rather dance. It's all up in the air right now...
Brownies earned Water Everywhere, Travel Right, & Advantage Explorer. Juniors earned Finding Your Way, Rocks Rock, Hiker, & all girls also earned Advantage Adventure.
Lindsay found Mercer on a Missouri map. Everyone made a map...Katie of her pasture, Morrisa, Shelby, & Sierra of their houses, Dominique of a girl scout hike, & Lindsay of northern Missouri towns.
what should we take on a hike? compass, map, food, water, shoes, tent, ponytail holder, dog, coat, umbrella, & a whistle.
we made fossils with plaster of paris from leaves, flowers, rocks, weeds, berries...Ms. Deb almost made Morrisa into a fossil, too!
we made trail signs...Morrisa made Danger. Lindsay made End of Trail. Sierra & Katie made Right Turn. Dominique made Shark Attack. {this wasn't in the book. she made it up!}
each girl started a rock collection. We learned the three kinds of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, & Metamorphic. Lindsay already has a rock collection, she will add todays rocks to it.
we talked about geology careers: precious stones, mining, erosion,fossils...Lindsay thought looking for dinosaur bones would be cool!
we took a hike on the walking trail...Ms. Deb gave each girl 2 whistles, the big girls decided to go one way, the little girls decided to go the other way, they all blew their whistles merrily, & you know what, Ms. Deb stayed close to the middle of the park & she could hear them all plainly, along with some shouting!
We found a few cracks in the walking trail & wondered aloud why it was cracking & how it could be fixed. Morrisa thought black cement would do the trick.
we made water drop magnifying glasses out of saran wrap & drops of water...the girls thought they were neat & sure they could see much more through them. Before the meeting Ms. Deb & Katie got a bucket of water out of the park pond, we used the Water Snooper Ms. Deb made from a popcorn tin, saran wrap, & rubberbands to look more closely at the water, the girls found bugs & a snail! Katie was pretty sure she found a tadpole. And there was moss & weeds & algea & gunk.
Our troop is mailing a mascot to Atlanta tomorrow...S'more.

keeping with tradition, we did a taking turns troop hiking story............
Dominique: Once upon a time our troop went to Alaska-only one person went that way and the other person went that way & that person was Morrisa.
Morrisa: I want to go with Sierra.
Dominique: So Morrisa got lost with her. They didn't have a whistle or a GPS or a map-and they yelled. Of course Morrisa would yell.
Morrisa: I would scream really loud. You don't want to hear it.
Sierra:I could scream for you.
Katie: everybody was lost because they had only been hiking on a trail before.
Sierra: no concrete.
Dominique: In Alaska there are bears, seals, killer whales...
Shelby: Rissy!
Lindsay: Lindsay blew her whistle cause she got lost in the ocean and a shark attacked her.
Dominique: Sharks are very easily attracted to blood.
Shelby: Momma, we're gonna get lost!