Sunday, July 25, 2010

Camp Girl Scout

Kylie, Kayla, Cortney, Morgan, Jazmine, Breanna, Katie, Mackenzie, & Lindsay made earned Advantage Troop Camping, the Brownies earned Camping & Games For Life, Juniors earned Outdoors in the City & Outdoor Cook.
we tried games kids play in the city....double dutch, stickball, frisbie, & skully. we made s'more, sun tea, Gorp, ziploc bag ice cream, & strawberry sun jam. we talked about wildlife & gardening in the city. We decorated camp mini buttons & made native rock necklaces. We set up our camp site, picked out who went in what tent...(big girls, little girls), sang campfire songs, the girls played at the park & made music videos. we tried to sleep outside, the bullfrogs were loud...the horse across the road stomping was loud...the train was loud...the crickets were loud...the kids talking at the park after hours were loud...the fireworks were loud...the big girls gave it up about 1:30 a.m., the little girls soon followed,then Kylie & I. took them a while to settle down, but eventually everyone got a little bit of sleep.
what will the girls remember most? Cortney kissing a frog to see if he'd turn into Justin Bieber? Kayla's spectacular fall into the water puddle? the skeleton Mackenzie drew for her Skully course? the roly poly house Jazmine & Kylie made? shrieking in the dark? Jazmine trying to scare the big girls? how grouchy Ms. Deb was?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Come On In, The Water's Fine!

Saturday, August 7th
1 p.m.
we'll meet at Princeton Pool for a couple of hours of swimming, then head to Calamity's for ice cream! let deb know if you need a ride!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Juliette Low Birthplace

Mackenzie is on vacation in Georgia...her mom took a picture of the Juliette Low Birthplace sign!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

in breaking Girl Scout news...

bought a tent for the camp out, so we'll have the old crappy tent & the cool new tent. Kevin cleaned the grill up so I can use it. have been going thru my years of craft ideas ripped out of Family Fun magazines...finding crafts for our meetings next year. most of the girls love crafts. my daughter is not so fond of them. we can make snowglobes from baby food jars, octopuses from gloves, cat toys from baby socks, mummies from craft sticks & gauze, autumn leaves from yarn...the possibilities are endless!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

sent out invites today

for Camp Girl Scout...
Saturday July 24
10 a.m. Katie's yard
bring a sleeping bag if you have one.
wear OLD clothes!
will camp in yard (weather permitting), inside if we must.
pick up 10 a.m. Sunday