Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Taffy Recipe by Brownie Troop 20

found in my late Great Grandma Amanda Shafers clipping collection.

1 1/2 c light molasses (Karo Syrup)
3/4 c sugar
2 T butter
dash of salt

put mixture into heavy post and cook until it reaches a hardball stage (264 degrees). pour mixture onto a greased cookie sheet. as it cools pull up on the edges and break off into pullable pieces and stretch it out. butter your hands before pulling the hot taffy.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Camp Ghoul Scout!

Katie, Mackenzie, Lindsay, Kayla, Breanna, Jazmine, Aubrey, Sierra, Kayleigh, Kylie, Trinity, Braelyn, Morgan, Morrisa, & Jessica did eerie experiments, played ghastly games, & did some dangerous dancing in their bootiful costumes! Daisys earned a petal, Brownies Science Wonders, Juniors Science In Every Day Life, Cadettes Why In The World, & everyone earned our first Historically Speaking Juliette Low patch...Birthday!!!