Tuesday, December 11, 2012

hangin' with the afterschool kids....

Maddi, Sierra, Jazmine, & Braelyn hung out with the afterschool kids, playing Santa, Santa, Elf; Fill The Stocking; and Santa Says. we also sang christmas carols. everyone seemed to have fun, agreed we will probably do it again at some point.
then Kayleigh and Brandy joined us for cookie making. gave the girls their xmas gifts and tshirts.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

a cancelled meeting ends up in cookie making fun!

school was let out early because of a broken water main...katie cancelled the meeting on facebook, I came home and posted come make cookies....Braelyn took me up on it! there were some giggles, a flour and cookie dough fight, and a lot of delicious cookies!
will have to reschedule so the rest of the girls can share in the fun!