Sunday, March 17, 2013

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Brandy, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Braelyn, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....

GS Sunday~

it happens just once a year....and it always seems to happens a week late since I work weekends....I didn't put a lot of planning into this one, because, quite frankly, I am too exhausted to function...I had told them Jack's church, which was in our rotation of the 4 Mercer churches, and that we'd go swim at Stacy Center, which we hadn't done for several years....but forgot the detail of lunch in went to Hour Place and let them all pick something from the kitchen....they ate cheeseburgers, cheese balls, don't remember what else.
Kayleigh, Sierra, Jazmine, Braelyn, Braelyn, & Maddi continued the tradition of Girl Scout Sunday....