Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I didn't sign up girls this fall....or attend the fall product kick off meeting....or run the baby show or have a float in the parade....

today I met a well dressed woman at the bank and closed the Troop 8044 account. it is done. I am no longer Girl Scout Leader Deb. I am just plain old deb again. and it feels good. threw away the checkbook.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

notified by email today that the Troop 8044 account will be absorbed by the Princeton troop that Maddi joined....

so will have to go to bank and sign papers, and it will all be a done deal. already donated our leftover 'supplies' to the local school art dept. spent some time removing myself from GS emails and unliking and unfollowing GS stuff on facebook...

Saturday, August 23, 2014

a Sookie Stackhouse Girl Scout quote!

"She is very kind, and sweet, and helpful, like a supernatural Girl Scout, because it's her nature and because she's trying to work her way up the magical ladder to become an angel."
All Together Dead, Charlaine Harris.
(although I have retired as a Girl Scout leader, I still enjoy a good Girl Scout quote!)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Saturday, August 9, 2014

tomorrow nite is my last-ever awards ceremony

how many of these have I planned over the years? (sigh). put awards and white mardi gras beads in the bottom of pink plastic mason jar glasses the girls will keep, with their badges on popsicle sticks like a bouquet. and I wrote a little good-bye speech.
Last night I was thinking about the girls in Troop #8044 over the years: Maddie, Jazmine, Kayleigh, Braelyn, Kassie, Brandy, Jessica M., Jessica P., Kayla, Kylie, Lindsay, Breanna, Dominique, Morissa, Nataleigh, Danielle, Nicole, Rayne, Kelsie, Melissa, Mackenzie, Sierra, Cortney, Liberty, Trinity, Emily, Katie, & Morgan.
I have loved watching you girls grow up, become friends, and learn so many things. Since our troop is multi-level, girls that might not have hung out did-Maddie learned a lot, but she taught the older girls things, as well. I appreciate you girls and your families for all the help over the years. I'll always be here if you need me. Princeton has amazing, very active Troops that will welcome you.
Girl Scouts is about so much more than selling cookies. You girls are the future and you will make a difference in the world.
Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

a thank you letter from Enchanted Makeovers!

March 15, 2014
Dear Girl Scouts,
Your generous donation of beautiful handmade capes has been received. We cannot thank you enough for your support of Enchanted Makeovers!
A big part of Enchanted Makeovers' mission is to nurture women and children living in long-term stay homeless shelters. Through various projects, programs and makeovers of the physical space, women and children are introduced to a way of life, thinking that helps to shift their outlook about their lives and possibilities for the future.
We are especially excited about how well our "Capes for Kids" mentoring program has been received! It is so wonderful to have sewers across the country create hand-made capes for children living in homeless shelters as a reminder to believe in themselves as the super girls and boys they already are! It's about the power of our minds and tapping into our imaginations. This is a positive coping skill for children living in shelters.
Please follow the journey on our Website and Facebook page. Thank you again for being a part of "the village" that is changing lives!
With my deepest gratitude,
Terry Grahl, Founder and Visionary

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

when your troop only has 4 girls, you don't sell as many cookies.....

but we did ok! all the extras (have to order by the case to fill orders) went quickly.....girls got $ turned in, and for the first time ever (I think....) it was perfect! not long, not short, just right! mailing the deposit slips in tomorrow! my term as GS leader is coming to an has been bittersweet. adoring little girls....watching them learn stuff...and making friends...watching them grow up....kind of like having a lot more daughters....I believe in Girl Scouts, although it seems like anymore it is more about selling shit to raise money to put in the council account than anything...paying other people to be adult GS, while we have to pay membership fees and volunteer our time....I don't know.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Girl Scout Sunday 2014

I had to work, so did evening church for the first time....Brandy, Maddi, Kayleigh, Angel, & I met at Mercer Baptist Church, then had ice cream at Hour Place. The church has an amazing baby grand piano and an awesome piano player!