Monday, August 6, 2007

Summer Safari

Summer Safari
Summer Safari
Today we earned 3 badges:
Eco Explorer
Watching Wildlife

the extremely hot weather fit right into our Safari theme!

1. thumbless challenge
2. what's a habitat?
3. alive/not alive
4. wild animal show & tell
Cortney brought a baby tiger named Fluffy that lives in the forest & eats meat.
Kelsie brought a zebra that lives in Africa & eats grass & leaves.
Danielle brought a monkey named Katie that lives in a tree & eats bananas & fruit.
Katie brought a white bengal tiger named Branson that lives at a magic show & eats meat.
Lindsay brought a lion that lives in a zoo & eats meat & drinks water.
5. outdoor shopping
6. insect olympics
7. sew a wild animal
8. wild animal safari
animal facts:
leopards usually drag their food up into a tree & weigh about 100 lb.
lions live in groups called prides, have no stripes or spots, live in wide open spaces, cubs may stay with their mothers for several years.
anglerfish the long thing on top of their head lures in fish for them to eat, deep sea anglers have a light up thing on their head
flamingo many children came to know flamingos as the croquet mallets in Lewis Carrol's famous story ALICE IN WONDERLAND.
mountain gorilla is in danger of extinction, the loss of the rain forest affects great apes.
tiger shark will eat anything it can get down its throat, gets its name from the stripes on its back, lays eggs
horses 500 years ago there were no horses in South America. They were brought over from Europe by the first settlers & quickly increased in number. Soon there were almost as many horses as people!
gorilla many gorillas are being born in zoos where they are safe.
bear are good mothers & teach their young how to hunt, one of their favorite foods is fish.
tiger have the biggest canine teeth of any meat eating land animal. Sabertooth cats, Caspian tigers & Javan tigers are extinct.
giraffe when a baby giraffe is born it stands 6' tall & weighs about 115 lbs. young giraffes follow their mother everywhere & do what their mothers do.
elephant 10' tall & weigh more than 10,000 lbs, African elephants got their name because their ears are shaped like Africa on the map.
dogs make good pets, they can be trained to help people, & star in Firehouse Dog, Underdog, & the Beethoven & Air Bud movies.
otter mammal, eats fish, at the top of their food chain, often stands erect to look around propped up on their thick tail.
9. pet pledge
10. animal moves
11. looks mean something
12. sounds charades

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