Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Listening To The Past

Listening To The Past

We met on the Mercer Square on the gazebo.
We talked about "the old fashioned days" people would've dressed, what they ate, what kind of games they played, how they traveled, about businesses that have been in our town.
We learned that our town was first called Marion. Lindsay knew this because she had read the sign by the Fire Station. The first post office was in 1855-152 years ago. The first electricity in Mercer was on Christmas Day 1915 at the Girdner Hotel-92 years ago. Mercer used to have drug stores, livery stable to rent horses & wagons from, creamery, funeral home, barbershop, telephone company, produce house, carpenter shop, hoop factory, shoeshop, photographer, clothing store, bars, hotel, pickle factory, stockyards, opera house, shoe cobbler, bakery, ice house, taxi, & a poor farm. Mercer had 2 movie theaters, kids got in for a dime, adults for twenty cents.
For our snack we walked across the street to the Sunny Side Diner for Flavor Burst cones. The girls had fun choosing from the 8 flavors.
We had My Favorite Doll Show & Tell.
Morrisa brought her baby doll Aubrey
Dominique brought her baby doll Suzie
Breanna brought her Big Bratz Chloe
Lindsay brought her Cabbage Patch Doll Lola
Jazmine brought her baby doll, sometimes she calls it Makeup
Cortney brought a Betty Boop doll that she calls Betty
Katie brought My Size Barbie Annaleise
Morgan told us about her princess doll Cinderella
Kayla told us about her baby doll Megan
Danielle told us about her singing princess doll Melanie
Kelsie had tutoring so missed Show & Tell.

We played old-fashioned games...Ring Around the Rosie, London Bridge, Red Rover, & Peas Porridge Hot.

we read from Little House in the Big Woods about Laura's corncob doll Susan.
Lots of little girls had homemade dolls, made from whatever their parents had available---spoons, apples, corn cobs, clothespins, corn husk, rags. We made handkerchief dolls, which were quiet toys, so Victorian children could play with them on Sundays.

The girls earned The Listening To The Past Try-It.

Deb sent registration forms home with the girls...Girl Scouts sign back up in September.

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