Thursday, January 31, 2008

Visiting Stacies!

rec'd the 5 Flat Stacies from Pennsylvania today! The girls who sent them are all first graders. We will host them 2-3 weeks then send them back. Plan on taking pictures of the dolls with our troop at the next meeting!

the postcards keep coming in....

today is the last day of the website for exchanges.
The latest postcards we're rec'd:
First Dauphin Pathfinder & First Dauphin Guide Unit
Virginia Troop 258
Texas Troop 62101
OK Troop 1015
Tx -Jennifer, Stacie, Natasha, Alexis, Arlene, Jazlynn, Emma, Vicky,
Taylor, , Brianna & our little man Brandon
MD Troop 2515
CO Troop 160
AZ Troop 777
GA Troop 390
TN Troop 515.
did a few last minute exchanges, so could recieve a few more postcards...deb plans on putting these into some kind of a book. Haven't got started on that yet...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

more Flat Stacies....

and once again, deb has bitten off more than she can chew...she posted on 3 different sites looking for troops to trade Flat Stacies with. We sent the 5 to Pennsyvlania today, & got an email that a troop from Wales, UK will trade 16 with us! Wow! Katie is busily making Stacies. If anyone wants to volunteer theirs to travel after we make them at our next meeting, we'll get them on their way. Or make copies of them, so their "twins" can travel the country!

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Girls Are All Packed For Vacation...

Katie helped me get our first 5 Stacies ready to travel to Pennsylvania...she gave them names & helped write bios for their travel journals. If I get off work in time tomorrow, will send them on their first adventure! Five Pennsylvania Stacies are headed our way, & one from New York!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Flat Stacies!

we have been contacted by a troop that is going to send a Flat Stacie for us to host! We will have "adventures" with the Stacie, taking pictures of her, & write about what she did while she was here in her journal, & send pictures & local momentoes back with her.
I am excited! Have ordered supplies to make our own Flat Stacies, ordered cool Missouri patches to send to troops that let us host their Stacies, & am thinking we can take pics of the Stacies at the Welcome to Mercer sign, the Welcome to Missouri sign, by the Calamity Jane memorial in Princeton, & the Girl Scout Mural in Chillicothe. Whew!
We'll have to make a journal for the Stacies we host for us to keep...I hope the girls have as much fun with this as I do!
Flat Stacies are based on the Flat Stanley books...we will read a Flat Stanley book at our next meeting.

Friday, January 25, 2008

postcards rec'd

World Thinking Day Postcards rec'd so far...we sent out 70 some.
Plan on making a scrapbook out of these...they are awesome!
NY Troop 927
CA Troop 3154
OH Troop 50167
NY Troop 2169
VA Troop 4006
AL Troop 141
WI Troop 855
NY Troop 187
CT Trooop 490
OH Troop 545
NY Troop---your girl scout friend Jenna
OH Troop 68
PA Troop 1256
Canada 19th Prince George Brownies
FL Troop 373
AZ Troop 1576
CA Troop 20398
Ashford England-Emily, Grace, Ayesha, Nancy, Bethany, Cathleen,
Nicole, Steph, Carlate, Beth, Hannah...
TX -ElizabethOR Troop 786
Winchester KY
TX Troop 2280
1st Little Paxton Brownies
San Juan Capistrano, CA Troop 878
GA Troop 2019
TX Troop 1550
Great Pacific Northwest Troop 50797
TX Troop 288
NY Troop 2239
VA Troop 4419
GA Troop 2814
NY troop 1137
CA Troop 1831
IL Troop 387
New Zealand 20th Northland Lone Brownies & 19th Northland Lone
HI Troop 559
AZ Troop 1507
CA Troop 658
OR Troop 337
TN Troop 1146
CO Troop 1017
Washington DC Troop 1710
NH Troop 2795
MO Troop 1658

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Girl Scout premiums

they came today---and are they AWESOME!!!! One of Katie's Aunt Lisa's high school friends saw in Lisa's blog that her niece Katie was selling cookies & emailed us to order!
On the Girl Scout Controversies Yahoo Group site, many of the posters are concerned about Girl Scout cookies being sold on eBay....and cookies being sold before official sale date.
My little Brownie waited until Saturday to begin selling, & now has sold 6 boxes, so she has earned 2 patches so far. She'd really really really like to have that 100+ patch. We have some girls who will get that, the girls do a really impressive job of selling. Will have to come up with an awesome end of the year reward trip---Katie has suggested a movie or Adventureland....

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Flat Stacies

Deb has been on-line again, found templates to make Flat Stacies, & emailed the co-ordinator so we can get started! I think it'll be a lot of fun, other troops will host our Stacies, & we will host Stacies from other troops, taking pictures of them, writing in a journal about our area, etc. Will have to find some cool local stuff to send back with the Stacies we host.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

cookie sales

Nina Ragan has hung the big Cookie Sales banner in the front window of Ragan's Grocery!
Katie sold 38 boxes of cookies today!
I went on-line to to order cookie sales premiums for my hard working Brownie Girl Scout.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Write Away Try-It

Cortney, Mackenzie, Katie, Kelsie, Kayla, Dominique, Morgan, Jazmine, Morrisa, & Breanna earned the Write Away Try-It. They listened to a biography about Nellie Bly,a newspaper reporter who traveled around the world based on Jules Verne's book & had herself committed to an insane asylum for a story, she also married a millionare & patented several inventions. Then they did a take-turns story, told about their favorite books, signed postcards for the World Thinking Day exchange, read the postcards we've received so far, interviewed each other, & wrote their autobiography. Whew!
Jessica, Danielle, Nicole, Rayne, Lindsay, Cortney, Mackenzie, Katie, Kelsie, Kayla, Dominque, Morgan, Jazmine, Morrisa, & Breanna get a 2008 Postcard Exchange patch.
We also learned some cool cookie facts. The pictures on the cookie boxes? Kansas City Missouri Girl Scouts! Thin mints are made in an oven as long as a football field! Approximately 200 million boxes of Girl Scout cookies are sold each year! The first cookie sale was in 1917--the girls baked cookies at home with their mothers to sell! During WWII basic ingredients were in short supply, so Girl Scouts sold calendars. Erin Sanders (Quinn on Zoey 101) was discovered while selling Girl Scout Cookies!
Some of the girls are ordering red t-shirts.
Have all cookie permission slips signed except for Nicole, Rayne, Danielle, & Jessica.

Our taking turns story:
Cortney: Once upon a time there was a girl named Sheridan.
Breanna: Then she saw a green witch and it shot out green snot.
Katie: She ducked but then it still got her and she said "ewww."
Kelsie: and then she met a cow that had a cow army.
Dominique: and then she thought she would visit cheetahs.
Kayla: Well then she changed her name to Miley and the Jonas Brothers came and kissed Katie on the cheek.
Mackenzie: Then she came out with an axe with ketchup on it.
Morrisa: Then she found a chicken that was really wild and had ketchup on its tongue.
Morgan: and when she was in the garden she dug and found gold.
Mackenzie: Then when she found the gold guarding it was a stringy haired squid.
Katie: Kayla looked in the mirror and screamed because she was a wimp.

Cortney's mom Deb reminded us that last year at the cookie kick off meeting, it was sleeting & the roads were getting bad. This year it was snowing. And the roads got bad...

Next meeting: Saturday Feb.9th 2-4 at Deb & Katie's house, we'll make Brownie Soup & earn the Make It, Eat It try-it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Leader's Meeting

Cookie Training.
I am can buy the cool plush dog! (as opposed to selling 4 billion boxes of cookies to earn one.)
Service Unit will swim at Stacy Center Pool 2-4 p.m. March 9th, Girl Scout Sunday. Bring a snack to share.
The service project is collecting shampoo, conditioner, body wash, etc. to donate to the Women's Shelter @ Trenton.
We have 73 post cards to send out for the World Thinking Day Post Card Exchange.
Have rec'd several.