Saturday, January 26, 2008

Flat Stacies!

we have been contacted by a troop that is going to send a Flat Stacie for us to host! We will have "adventures" with the Stacie, taking pictures of her, & write about what she did while she was here in her journal, & send pictures & local momentoes back with her.
I am excited! Have ordered supplies to make our own Flat Stacies, ordered cool Missouri patches to send to troops that let us host their Stacies, & am thinking we can take pics of the Stacies at the Welcome to Mercer sign, the Welcome to Missouri sign, by the Calamity Jane memorial in Princeton, & the Girl Scout Mural in Chillicothe. Whew!
We'll have to make a journal for the Stacies we host for us to keep...I hope the girls have as much fun with this as I do!
Flat Stacies are based on the Flat Stanley books...we will read a Flat Stanley book at our next meeting.

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