Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

It was a blustery day at Mercer City Park when 5 brave little Brownies & 1 brave brother gathered for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Lindsay, Jazmine, Breanna, Kelsie, Katie, & Zack did the Bunny Hop, played Duck, Duck, Goose & did the Hokey Pokey. We read the journals from our Stacies that visited Pennsylvania, & took pictures with the visiting Stacie from Washington. She kept trying to blow away! We drew #s to win bags with gifts sent from the PA troop---Swedish flag swaps, Dala horse crafts, & a patch from their Winter Cookie Dance. Everyone got 2!
We took turns reading Beanie Baby Facts, we giggled through the 5 versions of
Beans Beans the Musical Fruit that Deb found on-line. We named 12 kinds of beans: Kidney, Green, Black, Pinto, Chili, Jelly, Jumping, hot dog beans (Beenie Weenies), Navy, Beanie Babies, Beanie Pugs, & Beanie Bears.
We drew #s to win a chocolate bunny---Jazmine was the lucky winner.
We played 'hot potato' chicken.
The girls decided they wanted to walk on the "balance beam" around the park.
We tried to have carrot car races & jelly bean races while Shelley & Tracy hid eggs.
Jazmine was the 1st to figure out how to blow up the ballloons on the cars, Lindsay soon caught on, Zack blew his up too big & it exploded! The wind made racing a bit tricky, too, but the kids kept right on trying.
There was some drama, Deb's boxes of stuff kept blowing off across the park.
We think we found all the eggs! If not, the next batch of kids playing at the park will have a nice surprise!
We were going to make Mexican Bean Bracelets to go with our Human Bean Theme, but it was just way too windy. Same for snacks, divided up the Rainbow Twizzlers among the kids & we called it a day.
Will plan our Mom & Me Tea as an inside activity, so we can do the Mexican Bean Bracelets then.

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