Friday, July 25, 2008

going on vacation....

Lindsay, Nicole, Morrisa, Kelsie, & Danielle all have flats that went on vacation & never came back. I posted on the group sites for any info on the missing girls, & emailed the ones I could find email addresses for. Then I got onto a yahoo group & found a Daisy Troop that wanted to trade, so I made copies of the girls, made them new journals, & now Nicole, Lindsay, Morrisa, Kelsie, & Danielle have Flat Stacies on the way to Troop #2049 in Pinckney, MI! Also sent the unclaimed doll we found on the table that Katie finished coloring & named "Hayley" & 2 of Katie's dolls (Samantha & Charcoal) are going on a 2nd trip. Their troop is sending us 8 girls, as well!
So, here we go again! We could always get the original girls back, which would be super cool!

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