Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Girl Scout Meeting

Jazmine, Breanna, Morrisa, Dominique, Lindsay, Moriah, & Katie met on a brisk autumn evening at Mercer City Park, where they did the Girl Scout Law with motions; the Girl Scout Promise; voted that Breanna, Morrisa, Jazmine, & Dominique would like to dance in the School Variety Show next Friday; passed around Morrisa's Flat Stacie that (finally) came home; passed around Brownie the Dog & all her things that she is visiting from Texas with; wrote pen pal letters to Troop 67 in Rochester, New York; made basketball swaps for us & her our penpals, & took a walk around the walking trail. Breanna & Jazmine will be out of town the weekend I planned on having the Girl Scout Ghostly Gala, so will plan on Friday, Oct. 17th.

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