Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Journeys Begin...

Mackenzie, Moriah, Katie, Kelsie, Morrisa, Dominique, Jazmine, Breanna, Cortney, & Lindsay seemed excited about the new Journey books...they wrote their names on them, started reading the stories & doing the activities...

we recieved a package of pen pal letters from Girl Scout Troop #067 in Rochester, NY. They sent NY patches & postcards.
Rochester is in the northern part of the state, population 1,039,029. They live in the Greece and Hilton suburbs, 14 5th grade juniors are in the troop. They meet in the school cafeteria twice a month. They do a lot of charity & service projects: helping clean up a local wetland bay & park, collected pajamas for a womens shelter, made a care package for a local soldier, working with a Brownie Troop to earn Junior Aide & Leadership awards.
They have earned several badges & patches already this year. They are a very active troop & get along great. They are working on their Bronze award & making Boa Scarves for needy kids & families. They'll make about 75 for Xmas. Their council had a Trunk or Treat night, where they decorated their van for Halloween & the troops came around to trick or treat! They also celebrated Juliette Low's birthday that night. We love to write letters to other troops & get letters & postcards to find out what they are doing. Mrs. Diane, Mrs. Gina, Mrs. Joanna, Alexa, Amanda, Brianna, Mary, Emma, Katherine, Kaycie, Kelly, Madison, Milanne, Taylor, Rochelle, Samanta, & Rebecca."
fruit: apple
tree: sugar maple
flower: rose
bird: bluebird
famous: Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglas, George Eastman, Pamela McIroy, Abby Wambach
they sent pictures of their troop, too!
The girls were very pleased with the letters they rec'd & couldn't get started on their replies soon enough. We also took pictures of each girl to send with their penpal letters.

we started something new: everyone at the meeting wrote a page about what makes Kelsie special. We'll do one each meeting for a different girl until everyone has one. (I got the idea from Carly Cardinals Brag Book).

Breanna & Jazmine forgot to bring Carly back, they will bring her next meeting, then someone else will take her home for a visit. The plan is that after she has visited everyone, we'll record her journeys, then will have a drawing for someone to adopt her permantly.

Katie found this question in the Junior Journey Book: "Who Is Your Hero?"
Jazmine: my Grandma Barb
Kelsie: the fire department
Morrisa: my dad the fireman
Cortney: my puppy Boxer
Moriah: my dad
Dominique: my dog Lady
Breanna: my mom & dad
Zach: Uncle Tony
Katie: my sister
Mackenzie: my mom
Lindsay: my daddy
I was impressed that not one of the kids mentioned someone famous! Everyday people are heroes, too~

Each kid (our guest Zach included!) selected 2 of the All States Swaps we rec'd. There was definitely something for everyone! There are a handful left for Morgan & Kayla, will mix in the leftovers with the next shipment of All States Swaps we receive.

our next meeting will be Christmas!

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