Saturday, October 24, 2009

Girl Scout Halloween Party

Katie & I decked out the garage....I heard several girls say it was spookier than ever! We started out with the girls eating donuts hanging from yarn without using their hands...then played Marry The Ghoul (tossing a ring onto a giant hand); Ghost Ping Pong Ball Toss; used Skeleton Hand Grabbers to pick up sticky eyeballs, sticky mice, & toy pumpkins; took a group picture with the visiting mascot Mei Ling; read the Halloween Poem Katie wrote & divided up the 'treasure'; played the Monster Lab game where Dr. I.B. Wicked passed around the ingredients for his newest monster "The Drooler"....mouse breath to increase night vision, extract of grasshopper for jumping ability, charred bats feet for excellent hearing, owl pellets for cunning. Then the Dr. passed around donations from other monsters: intestines from Dracula's private collection, fur from the Sasquatch, ears once attached to a 4,600 year old mummy, fingers from the Six Fingered Man, eyes from the Cyclops family, brains borrowed from Frankenstein, a heart from The Loch Ness Monster. The girls guessed most of the ingredients...which were pretty mundane things: (Ms. Deb had to do some substituting since I didn't have all the called for ingredients!)tea leaves, nutmeg, grape stems, basil, cooked spaghetti, a Hannah Montana furry boot cover, dried apples, cold hot dogs, peeled grapes, cooked oatmeal, a water balloon. We had 5 Scary Stories that Kayla, Breanna, Lindsay, Mackenzie, & Katie read out loud: History of The Jack O' Lantern, The Painting That Haunted The eBay Auction, Robert The Haunted Doll, The Hairy Toe, & The Ghost Girl In The Photograph. Then of course we had a Scary Take Turns was a doozy as usual. The girls got so excited & were laughing & talking much faster than I could write...but here's what I got. It doesn't do their version justice!

Jazmine: There once was a goblin and he lived in a cabin & he was five years old. He went outside & decided to leave & he had an imaginary friend & he was talking & talking to him.
Kayla: & the five year old when he got older he turned into a fat guy & ate too much. One time he was at his house & wanted something to eat. There was nothing in the cupboard he went outside & saw Katie's big arm in the ground & digs it up & starts making Arm Soup, she takes the skeleton grabber & takes her arm back & notices it has slobber & & green snot on it & cleans it off & put it back on & went to back to sleep in her grave.
Mackenzie: after she went back in the ground there was another woman in the ground & she was having a party down there, she had pom poms & was waving them up and down, she was a dead cheerleader. A fat lady arrives, sees the hands, stomps on them, a zombie comes & replaces the arm that fell in the lake
Breanna: a Woman had a spell put on her that made her fat with green snot. she married a fat guy. The witch wanted to be a teacher because she was already mean enough to be one. This fat kid in her class walks around all the time, the teacher took him in the hall & sneezed on him, he came back in covered in green snot & all the girls said "ooooo oooooo oooooo"
Lindsay: the witch comes to the classroom & the kids are messing around, the witch is mad, she goes to see the principal, he comes in, the principal is mad at the witch, she sneezes green snot everywhere. then she wiggles her right ear and her left ear they all turn into apples.
Katie: the fat kid that the teacher snotted on is walking around the square one day, he sees a couple in a haunted house through the window. Then he found the witch & said "Oh no, my teacher" & she snotted on him. A big pug dog ate the witch & licked the snotty boy clean.
Cortney: then someone else filled a home with all sorts of boogers, which there was a huge fat pug named Sissy Lynn everytime you picked her up she grunts. another pug named Bud Black everytime you picked him up his eyeballs pop out. A person gave him a nickname because it pooped everywhere...Sir Poops A Lot. A vampire took the two pugs & left.
Morgan: the fat boy and pug were on a date because they liked each other. the hands grabbed them & took them underground. they escaped and were married in a place that used to be an old mansion & now was a church, they could hear children laughing & people talking & the organ playing but no one was there. a vampire popped out & said "You've been practical joked, sucka." the fat boy & pug have a million fat pug children that weigh about 1000 lbs.
Dominique: the boys gets eaten by the pug
Morrisa: actually the boy eats the pug
Dominique: The spider dog.

we made squashies & skull bracelets, then had Purple People Eater Punch & Graveyard Gravel with Dried Sponges & Gummy Worms.
we ran out of time to dance, which is the girls favorite part. will have to just dance & eat next Kevin says, I plan my Girl Scout Meetings just like I plan my vacations....with more stuff than we can ever possibly do!

thanks to Deb, Tracey, & Shelley for staying & helping!
Cortney brought her registration form.
attending the Halloween Bash & earning a Halloween Fun Patch:
Katie as The Dead Cheerleader
Jazmine as The Surgeon
Breanna as The Lego
Kayla as Herself
Lindsay as The Green Witch
Mackenzie as The Vampire
Dominique as Cleopatra
Morrisa as Princess Jasmine
Morgan as A Bathing Beauty
Cortney as The Gypsy

I found out the Kelsie has quit the troop, which makes me a bit sad, since was one of the earliest members of our troop. Now Katie is the only original troop member left!

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