Wednesday, February 3, 2010

World Thinking Day 2010

Katie, Jazmine, Breanna, Lindsay, Morrisa, Morgan, & Cortney celebrated World Thinking Day by learning the Haiti, Chinese, & Taiwan Promises & Laws. we talked about area photographers & photography careers and musical careers...Breanna played her clarinet for us, Lindsay played Jazmine's flute & we sang Happy Birthday to Miss Breanna. we learned about Chinese New Year, made crafts, had fortune cookies & pb&j sushi, & learned to use chopsticks! we also watched the video that Anna from Kansas City made to raise $ for Haiti orphans. we all agreed that she has a beautiful voice & is doing a very nice thing.
What Chinese New Year were we born in? This is the Year of the Tiger. Katie is a Tiger. Lindsay & Breanna are Rabbits. Morrisa & Deb are Dragons. Jazmine, Cortney, & Morgan are Snakes.

Cortney, Morrisa, Morgan, & Jazmine earned World Thinking Day 2010; Creative Composing; Around The World; People of the World.

Lindsay, Breanna, & Katie earned World Thinking Day 2010; Camera Shots; Girl Scouts Around the World; Making Music.

everyone seemed to have a good time!

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