Monday, May 3, 2010

Troop 8044 2010 Awards Ceremony

Girl Scout Awards Ceremony May 2 2010
Mercer city Park Butterfly Garden

attending: Morgan & Kris Eastin, Lindsay & Shelley Wyatt, Patty Puffer, Kay Wyatt, Jazmine, Breanna, & Tracy Main, Morrisa, Shelby, & Brandon Henley,
Kylie, Kayla, & Jill Gannon, Cortney & Deb Goodman, Dottie Roberts, Katie, Deb, & Kevin Dailey

1. Girl Scout Promise
On my honor I will try
To serve God & My country
To help people at all times
And to live by the GS law

Girl Scout Law while making bracelet:
I will do my best to be:
*honest & fair (light blue bead)
*friendly & helpful (yellow bead)
*considerate & caring (light green bead)
*courageous & strong (red bead)
*responsible for what I say and do:(orange)
*and to respect myself & others (purple bead)
*respect authority (magenta)
*use resources wisely (green)
*make the world a better place (rose)
*and to be sister to every Girl Scout(violet)

2. The Spelling of Girl Scouting.
give each girl a sign to hold up, they read the back
{Kayla & Katie each ended up with 2}
G is for giving
I is for ideas
R is for respect
L is for loyalty
S is for sincerity
C is for consideration
O is for obligation
U is for YOU!
T is for teamwork
I is for integrity
N is for nice
G is for Girl Scouts!

3.present badges
Girl Scouts earn official patches & fun patches.
present Earned & Journey badges
"the Junior Journey badges are backordered...will give
them out as soon as they arrive.
present fun patches...we performed at Mercer Homecoming,
had a float in the parade, went Christmas Caroling around
the square, went to church, ate pizza, & went swimming
for Girl Scout Sunday, & had an Easter Egg Hunt.
Our girls are involved in lots of activities...we have
basketball players, dancers, band members, 4-Hers...
and of course the girls have siblings & family members
who also have busy schedules, so we try to have meetings
at different times to give everyone a chance to come!

Our Troop Sold 1036 boxes of Cookies!
Top Seller Cookies Mackenzie...220 boxes!---present patch
Lindsay was 2nd with 167 boxes
Cortney was 3rd with 162 boxes
present cookie sales prizes
Top Seller Nuts & Candy Lindsay present patch & prize
Cortney was 2nd present prize
Breanna was 3rd present prize
present nuts & candy sales prizes
Most Brownie Badges (10!) Jazmine
Most Junior Badges (14!) Katie

I have some special patches for girls who volunteered:
Helped at Baby Show

Delivered Kid Kits to Leon Hospital

4.girls give thank you cards to parents
5.bridging ceremony...
"Morrisa, Cortney,Morgan please come forward
You brought happy brownie smiles to our troop
you learned through trying many things
now you are ready for new adventures,
as Juniors, your ideas can take wings."
present each girl with their wings
6.Moriah bridge to Seniors
{she wasn't there} picture
8. refreshments....giant chocolate chip & sugar cookies & water....

turned out to be a beautiful ceremony, a little bit hot & breezy...

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