Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bridging Ceremony

Mackenzie, Moriah, Morrisa, Lindsay, Katie, Sierra, Breanna, Kayleigh, Jessie, Jazmine, Aubrey, Braelyn, Emily, Aubrey, & Shelby attended The Growing Up A Girl Scout Meeting, where the Daisies earned 2 Petals, Brownies earned Brownie Girl Scouts Through The Years & Brownie Girl Scouts Around The World, Juniors earned Girl Scouting In My Future, Girl Scouting In The USA, Cadettes & Senior earned Build A Better Future & Global Girl Scouting.
we reviewed (& taught new girls) the Girl Scout Promise, Law, Handshake, Brownie Smile Song, Friendship Circle & Friendship Squeeze, & History.

Some famous Girl Scouts are Dakota Fanning, Shirley Temple Black, Laura Bush, Katie Couric, Barbara Walters, Mariah Carey, Peggy Fleming, Cathy Rigby Mason...women in the armed forces, publishing, business, education...

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