Wednesday, December 29, 2010

visiting the Green Hills Animal Shelter

Kayleigh, Emily, Mackenzie, Morrisa, Morgan, Jessie, Sierra, & Katie journeyed in the fog with Deb & KJ at the wheels to donate the cat toys they had made, tour the shelter, & make tiles that will be displayed on a wall at the shelter in the future!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mercer County GS Christmas Party

the council has tried to plan this several times in the past, but the weather always cancelled it. I had vehicle problems on the me & my 3 girls were late....Melissa showed up a bit after us...had THIRTEEN MERCER GIRLS THERE! they were a bit concerned that other girls were there! they made gift bags, decorated cookies, & made 3 ornaments....little xmas trees out of beads, stars, & pipecleaners....reindeer heads out of old puzzle pieces painted brown....and angels out of wire doodads, beads, & ribbon. their favorite activity seemed to be playing foosball. now if we could get the troops to mingle with each girls all stuck to their own group. they all seemed to have a good time. My girls wanted to have a sing-off!
Mackenzie, Breanna, Katie, Jazmine, Braelyn, Aubrey, Sierra, Kayleigh, Melissa, Shelby, Morrisa, Emily, & Trinity attended, so will get a special Xmas fun patch.

Friday, December 17, 2010


planning January's meeting: Brownies will earn Eco Explorer, Juniors Eco Action, & Cadettes Eco Action, plus everyone will earn a Girl Scout Recycling Rocks fun patch!

will make "Keep It Under Your Cap." & ask each girl to bring an old t-shirt. will talk about recycling, look up t-shirt ideas online. will discuss composting.

Recycling began in Ancient Rome. The first US recycling center opened in 1896. During WWII Americans recycled to help the war effort.

ordering vests

Daisy vests for Trinity & Emily
Brownie vests for Aubrey & Braelyn
Jr vests for Sierra & Kayleigh
Cadette vest for Jessie

red shirt for Sierra

the new girls are anxious to get their vests!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Joy To The World!

Kj picked up girls at school while I went to Lineville after Mackenzie....we caroled around the square, decorated cookies & had hot cocoa at my house,then made Christmas Crackers & scrapbook pages.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

cookie stuff turned in....

Mackenzie was top seller with 246, then Emily with 151, and Lindsay with 129.

we have been challanged by a Princeton Brownie Troop to see who can donate the most cans of soup to the community food pantry. fixed up a Christmasy box, & the Dailey's tossed in 4 cans of Campbell's.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

cookie sale is over....

have all order sheets in but 2, supposed to get them tomorrow. got online & ordered top 3 prizes and cookie patches for each girl, + first sale patch for the new girls.