Saturday, April 23, 2011

Media Savvy

the girls decided if they wanted to 'work' in the newspaper or tv news field....then they named their media, made their logo, and came up with a lead was a lot of fun. we videotaped newscasts, then had an Easter Egg Hunt in the front yard where in addition to finding eggs and candy, they found a couple of old golf balls and 2 very dirty quarters....

The Newspapers:

Monday Morning News: Braelyn's story was All Of Japan's Nuclear Reactors Are Gonna Explode; Trinity's story was Life On Mars.

Breaking News: Kayleigh's lead story was The Sky Is Falling

The Tv Stations:

Exact Moment News: Mackenzie had several lead stories....A Zookeeper Got His Leg Ate Off By A Lion, Cat Eats Dog, Monkey Hates Bananas....

2012 News: Sierra led with World Won't End in 2012; No More Wars; No More Mean People

2011 Newest News Forecast: Jessie's lead story was Big Tornado!

The Pu$hninja$: the anchor team of Katie, Lindsay, & Kayla led with Ninja Outbreak.

Good Morning America: Jazmine had 2 lead stories: The World's Gonna End in 2012 & Gulf of Mexico Has Another Oil Spill


Kylie didn't care if she worked for a newspaper or a tv station, but she made a logo and her lead story was I Love Cats & Animals...she was too busy playing with Katie's pets to do her newscast!

everyone: fun easter egg hunt patch

Daisys: petal

Brownie: People Are Talking

Junior: Communication

Cadette: Media Savvy

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