Friday, December 21, 2007

what deb's been up to...

decided to go with the Girl Scout postcards I had, & then we'll decorate plain ones. Have 11 or 12 troops that will trade with us right now!
I have been joining Girl Scout groups on Yahoo, looking for new ideas. We might join a SWAP club, or the 2008 all-state ornament exchange! A lot of the girls really enjoy making things & are good at it.

Friday, December 14, 2007

postcard exchange

have had 2 troops reply that they will trade with us! Deb will buy some Calamity Jane postcards for all the girls to sign at our January meeting!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Katie & I donated the 14 canned goods collected from the Brownie Xmas Party to the Green Hills Community Action Agency @ Princeton.
Signed up on-line for the World Thinking Day postcard exchange. Should have more info on that soon!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

brownie xmas party

It was a cold, blustery day when the the Brownies met to Christmas Carol around the square...we had our Christmas Party in the back room of the community building, where we practiced singing Xmas songs & then caroled around the square at the Avon Shop, Ragan's, Pizza Plus, & Makella Hagan's. We did the Girl Scout Promise, the Brownie Ring, played Simon Says, made Christmas Crackers & jingle bell bracelets, voted on what color t-shirts to get, and played a gift game-the kids passed a gift bag with numbered ping pong balls that matched numbered gifts on the table--when the music stopped, whoever was holding the bag drew a ping pong ball & received that gift. Peggy brought delicious homemade sugar cookies & christmas cupcakes.

"All I Want For Christmas"
Dominique: Transformers
Morrisa: Baby Alive
Rayne: laptop thing that plays movies
Breanna: millions of things, the first is $50 Baby Alive
Nicole: iPod
Danielle: MP3 player, Razor
Katie: World Peace
Kelsie: pink scooter, Heelys, iDog, iPod
Mackenzie: laptop/dvd player, tv with Hannah Montana cds & t-shirts
Zac: Real 4 wheeler & McQueen remote car

the girls brought canned goods to donate to food pantry.
Thanks to Tracy & Nellie for their help!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Girl Scout Cookies 2008

we will sell cookies Jan. 19-Feb. 10
leaders cookie sales training Jan. 15th Hal England Center 6p.m.
Will try to schedule a Mercer Troop Cookie Meeting the following night & combine with the "Write It" try-it.
Feb. 11-12 girls turn in their orders to troop leader
Feb. 13-14 leaders turn in orders to coookie chair
March 3-7 cookies will be delivered to troops
have until March 22nd to deliver
money is due to cookie chair by March 31st
cookie chair turns money into council April 1st

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sew Much Fun

we met at Deb's house after school to finish our "Stitch It Together" Try-It. Jazmine, Morgan, Cortney, Morrisa, Dominique, Rayne, Nicole, Lindsay, Mackenzie, Katie, Breanna, Kayla, Kelsie, Danielle, & Jessica have earned this Try-It by sewing situpons, felt animals, &/or todays tiny quilts. It was a flurry of threading needles & tying knots.
Special thanks to Cortney's mom Deb & to Alicia for helping!!!!!!!
Then we had the Brownie Talent Show! Starring:
Morgan-hula hooping
Cortney-sang the alphabet song backwards
Dominique-hula hooping
Rayne-hula hooping
Lindsay-the Puerto Rican sound
Mackenzie-playing guitar
Kelsie-playing keyboard
Katie-hula hooping
Jessica-walking on her hands
Breanna-playing guitar
Danielle-hula hooping
Kayla-sang a song

We did the Girl Scout Promise, then told what we were thankful for.
Morgan-"ones who survive in the world."
Cortney-"my family"
Jazmine-"my family"
Dominique-"playing outside"
Rayne-"you guys"
Lindsay'"My dog Max"
Mackenzie-"my parents"
Breanna-"pug nose Lucky Dog"
Kayla-"my sister, cat, & whole family"

We voted to Christmas carol in Mercer next month. We talked about singing Jingle Bells, Rulduloph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Silent Night, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, & the Brownie Smile Song. We have been invited to the Mercer County Girl Scout Christmas party Tuesday December 11 at 7p.m. at the Princeton First Baptist Church.

All girls received their fall product sales prizes.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

the candy is here!

Kevin & I picked up the candy from Princeton, brought it home & sorted it. Will call moms tomorrow to pick it up.
The OTC prizes & butterfly badges arrived, adorable. Also got the magazine prizes. Will hand out @ Tuesdays meeting.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Candy Prizes

after much deliberation, Katie & I decided on all candy sales earning the Girl Scouts Leave Nothing But Footprints fun patch & an adorable stuffed cat from Oriental Trading Company, with the top 3 sellers, Lindsay, Cortney, & Danielle, also earning plush gumball pillows. Prizes ordered today.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Party

Saturday, October 27th 5-7 p.m.
We had a costume fashion show.
Lindsay: Brilliantly Black
Danielle: Zombie-riffic
Cortney: Cutest Ever
Morrisa: Most Boo-tiful
Zac: Wildest Firefighter
Emily: Fashionita
Jazmine: Most Bewitching
Mackenzie: Diva-licious
Nicole: Prettiest Princess
Kelsie: Most Haunting
Michelle: Miss Horri-belle
Dominique: Absolutely Adventureous
Kayla: Super Star
Katie: Really Rockin'
Breanna: The Deadly Doctor
Moriah: All Star
Rayne: Gorgeous Genie

We played games: Witches Stew, Amoeba, Meet Mr. Kreeps

We did a Scary Take Turn Story:
Deb: Once upon a time, a Brownie had to carry a basket of Thin Mints through the scary woods to her grandmother...
Lindsay: and a big black wolf tried to eat her with tomatoes...
Morrisa: and she was scared of the big bad wolf...
Rayne: no comment
Cortney: and she ran as fast as she can from the wolf...
Moriah: and a ghost jumped at it and tackled it....
Katie: and then the wolf got by the Girl Scout and the ghost and he asked "Is this the stinking Little Red Riding Hood story with a twist?"
Emily: and then she ran by...
Dominique: and then a pirate came...
Zac: then a firefighter came...
Breanna: then a witch came and sneezed green snot...
Michelle: and then a bear came...
Jazmine: and then fire starts to get them...
Kayla: and then Katie jumps out like a ghost
Danielle: and then Katie runs away...
Mackenzie: then the girl turned around and saw a vampire...
Nicole: and then the Naked Brothers Band jumps out and sings Crazy Car
Kelsie: and then a big bad wolf came and took her to a castle.
The End

We walked through The Werewolf Woods & posed for a picture with the Werewolf (Katie's big brother KJ)

we danced to Halloween music

We did experiments and Jazmine, Cortney, Dominique, Rayne, Morrisa, Nicole, Breanna, Katie, Kayla, Danielle, Lindsay, Kelsie, & Mackenzie earned 2 Try-Its:
Science Wonders
Science In Action
1. lift an ice cube with a string
2. make fireworks in a glass
3. the traveling Brazil nut
4. can you drink from a piece of paper? (we can!)
5. tie a water knot
6. fit George through an Abe sized hole
7. walking on air (Michelle & Moriah both got a ride on this one!)
8. seperate the salt from the pepper
9. behold the haunted bottle
1o. lift a bottle with a stick
11. the Coke clock

we had Dirt Cups & Apple Slices with Carmel Dip & pop for a snack

We made Glorious Goblets.

our special guests were Emily, Michelle, Kiley, Moriah, & Zac were our special guests.

The rock stars, princesses, the pirate, the firefighter, Hannah Montana, devils, the witch, the surgeon, the vampire, Dracula, Dorothy, the queen, the belly dancer, & Emily Osment all seemed to have a good time.

And thanks to the moms who always help: Shelly, Tracy, Jill, & Debra.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

our fantastic fall fundraiser.

we have some Brownies that could sell refrigerators to Eskimos!
14 girls sold magazine subscriptions, cds, nuts & candy.
This year the girls only earned patches & prizes for magazine sales, not candy or nut sales. We are buying butterfly patches for all girls who sold nuts or candy, & will get some other neat prizes as well.
Our troop earned $375.40.
Good job, Brownies!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

fall product sale

went well. All orders are in. Kevin has them all figured. Just have to turn them in tomorrow. This year you only earned a patch & prizes from magazine sales, not candy sales. Kate & I found a cool Brownie Fun Patch to order for all candy sellers, plus will get stuffed animals or cool pillows or something...

Friday, October 5, 2007

The All School Variety Show

Jazmine, Cortney, Rayne, Dominique, Morrisa, Morgan, Mackenzie, Nicole, Katie, Kelsie, Lindsay, Danielle, Kayla, & Breanna sang & danced to Best of Both Worlds at the All School Variety Show this afternoon. They brought down the house! Breanna, Katie, Kelsie, Kayla, Danielle, & Nicole also sang other songs. It was quite an afternoon!

Monday, October 1, 2007

dance practice

we met at the City Park after school & taught Mackenzie the dance. she's a pro!
Jessica had tutoring & couldn't come.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

the dancing continues...

Deb signed up our Troop to dance at the All School Variety Show Friday October 5 at 1 p.m.
Jazmine, Morgan, Cortney, Morrisa, Dominique, Rayne, Nicole, Kelsie, Kayla, Danielle, Lindsay, Breanna, & Katie have all turned in their registration forms for this year.
We also have a new girl registered...Jessica!
And another girl is going to register...Mackenzie! (I hope I spelled her name right!)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Listening To The Past

Listening To The Past

We met on the Mercer Square on the gazebo.
We talked about "the old fashioned days" people would've dressed, what they ate, what kind of games they played, how they traveled, about businesses that have been in our town.
We learned that our town was first called Marion. Lindsay knew this because she had read the sign by the Fire Station. The first post office was in 1855-152 years ago. The first electricity in Mercer was on Christmas Day 1915 at the Girdner Hotel-92 years ago. Mercer used to have drug stores, livery stable to rent horses & wagons from, creamery, funeral home, barbershop, telephone company, produce house, carpenter shop, hoop factory, shoeshop, photographer, clothing store, bars, hotel, pickle factory, stockyards, opera house, shoe cobbler, bakery, ice house, taxi, & a poor farm. Mercer had 2 movie theaters, kids got in for a dime, adults for twenty cents.
For our snack we walked across the street to the Sunny Side Diner for Flavor Burst cones. The girls had fun choosing from the 8 flavors.
We had My Favorite Doll Show & Tell.
Morrisa brought her baby doll Aubrey
Dominique brought her baby doll Suzie
Breanna brought her Big Bratz Chloe
Lindsay brought her Cabbage Patch Doll Lola
Jazmine brought her baby doll, sometimes she calls it Makeup
Cortney brought a Betty Boop doll that she calls Betty
Katie brought My Size Barbie Annaleise
Morgan told us about her princess doll Cinderella
Kayla told us about her baby doll Megan
Danielle told us about her singing princess doll Melanie
Kelsie had tutoring so missed Show & Tell.

We played old-fashioned games...Ring Around the Rosie, London Bridge, Red Rover, & Peas Porridge Hot.

we read from Little House in the Big Woods about Laura's corncob doll Susan.
Lots of little girls had homemade dolls, made from whatever their parents had available---spoons, apples, corn cobs, clothespins, corn husk, rags. We made handkerchief dolls, which were quiet toys, so Victorian children could play with them on Sundays.

The girls earned The Listening To The Past Try-It.

Deb sent registration forms home with the girls...Girl Scouts sign back up in September.

Monday, September 3, 2007

the baby show

For at least the 3rd year, Troop 44 sponsored the Homecoming Baby Show on Saturday, September 1st. Lindsay & her mom Shelly, Kelsie & her mom Melanie, & Katie & her mom Deb signed up the contestants, handed trophies & ribbons to Miss Mercer Helena Houk to present to winners, & announced. It makes for a hectic morning....

Friday, August 31, 2007

and we dance...

Thursday night, August 30th at the Mercer Homecoming, the "Local Entertainment" was running a little late, but all 13 of the best Brownies ever waited it out & put on an amazing performance, singing & dancing to Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds. The crowd went wild!

Monday, August 27, 2007

dance practice

Jazmine, Cortney, Dominique, Morrisa, Rayne, Morgan, Lindsay, Kayla, Kelsie, Danielle, Breanna, Nicole & Katie met after school @ the City Park, it was a hot one! Cut the practice short, one of our dancers overheated, & they are possibly the most talented little Brownies EVER!!! I think we're ready...we'll meet Thursday night at 7:30, & are slotted to dance at 8:15p.m.
Breanna & Nicole added new moves today.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

we're dancing again....

had our 1st practice at the City Park Shelter. we'll sing & dance to Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds at Mercer Homecoming next week. Kelsie, Danielle, & Morgan made up moves to fit into the dance! Jazmine, Cortney, Dominique, Morrisa, Morgan, Rayne, Breanna, Kayla, Nicole, Katie, Lindsay, Kelsie, & Danielle all came. These girls just ooze talent! Have another practice set up for Monday after school.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Summer Safari

Summer Safari
Summer Safari
Today we earned 3 badges:
Eco Explorer
Watching Wildlife

the extremely hot weather fit right into our Safari theme!

1. thumbless challenge
2. what's a habitat?
3. alive/not alive
4. wild animal show & tell
Cortney brought a baby tiger named Fluffy that lives in the forest & eats meat.
Kelsie brought a zebra that lives in Africa & eats grass & leaves.
Danielle brought a monkey named Katie that lives in a tree & eats bananas & fruit.
Katie brought a white bengal tiger named Branson that lives at a magic show & eats meat.
Lindsay brought a lion that lives in a zoo & eats meat & drinks water.
5. outdoor shopping
6. insect olympics
7. sew a wild animal
8. wild animal safari
animal facts:
leopards usually drag their food up into a tree & weigh about 100 lb.
lions live in groups called prides, have no stripes or spots, live in wide open spaces, cubs may stay with their mothers for several years.
anglerfish the long thing on top of their head lures in fish for them to eat, deep sea anglers have a light up thing on their head
flamingo many children came to know flamingos as the croquet mallets in Lewis Carrol's famous story ALICE IN WONDERLAND.
mountain gorilla is in danger of extinction, the loss of the rain forest affects great apes.
tiger shark will eat anything it can get down its throat, gets its name from the stripes on its back, lays eggs
horses 500 years ago there were no horses in South America. They were brought over from Europe by the first settlers & quickly increased in number. Soon there were almost as many horses as people!
gorilla many gorillas are being born in zoos where they are safe.
bear are good mothers & teach their young how to hunt, one of their favorite foods is fish.
tiger have the biggest canine teeth of any meat eating land animal. Sabertooth cats, Caspian tigers & Javan tigers are extinct.
giraffe when a baby giraffe is born it stands 6' tall & weighs about 115 lbs. young giraffes follow their mother everywhere & do what their mothers do.
elephant 10' tall & weigh more than 10,000 lbs, African elephants got their name because their ears are shaped like Africa on the map.
dogs make good pets, they can be trained to help people, & star in Firehouse Dog, Underdog, & the Beethoven & Air Bud movies.
otter mammal, eats fish, at the top of their food chain, often stands erect to look around propped up on their thick tail.
9. pet pledge
10. animal moves
11. looks mean something
12. sounds charades

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Brussels Scout Camp

1. made s'mores
2. sewed situpons
3. made sedimentary rocks
4. erosion & evaporation experiments
5. hiking trail
6. played Storm Warning
7. Roll A Bag Relay
8. decided NOT to sing Shake A Tail Feather for talent show....although it was fun to dance to!
9. cloud watching
10. bandana tricks {Lindsay's mom Shelly tied a lot of do-rags!}
the girls had a lot of interesting uses for bandanas
1. a flag
2. to blow your nose
3. to rob a bank
4. to keep flies out of horses eyes
5. kerchief.
6. do-rag
7. headband

Rayne, Nicole, Jazmine, Breanna, Dominique, Morrisa, Lindsay, Kelsie, Danielle, Cortney, & Katie attended & earned:
1. Ready Set Go Camping
2. Earth & Sky
3. Girl Scout Ways
4. Making Music