Wednesday, June 18, 2008

katie's flat stacie comes home from overseas!

"Kelly" was visiting the 4th Evesham Brownies in Worcestershire, United Kingdom!
She stayed with Ayse. She loved every minute of her stay & is looking forward to her next adventure.
She earned a Toymaker badge with the troop, they made a glove puppet while she was there & are going to make a noughts and crosses game out of newspaper, sellotape, & gift wrapping paper.
"Kelly" also came home with a 4th Evesham Brownie name tape that they wear on their badge sashes, a Wocestershire cloth badge, a postcard & picture from Cotswold Falconry Center where they held an European Eagle Owl which was really heavy. They saw lots of different birds. They also went to the Batsford Arboretum which was really pretty.

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