Monday, June 9, 2008

On Summer Vacation.....

Katie's "Nikki" & the unclaimed bunny Katie named "Lucky Bunny" that was left at the meeting where we made Flat Stacies are on their way to visit Brownie Troop 521 in Kenmore, NY. Have fun!
There is one more unclaimed Flat Stacie to go on vacation, then we can start sending girls on their 2nd trip.
Mackenzie has retired both her Stacies.
Rayne retired her Stacie also.
deb will keep sending them out as long as the girls are having fun.
Nikki & Lucky Bunny are the first ones to go out with 'permission slips'. I got this idea from the Flat Stacies we sent to Minnesota...their leader requested permission slips after I had already mailed's a good idea!

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