Saturday, December 13, 2008

cookie prizes

Girl Scouts lets the girls earn prizes by the amount of boxes they sell, but everyone works hard, whether they're the top girl or one of the other girls, so my theory is, we won't all earn the cool Girl Scout prizes, but we can all get something!
From our trusty friends at Oriental Trading Company we ordered a dozen bright colored 45" plush snakes as a thank you to each girl.
Each Brownie will receive a Smart Cookie Try-It.
Each Junior will receive a Cookie Biz Badge.
Moriah, our Cadette, will receive a Cookies & Dough Badge.

Top seller Ms. Cortney will receive Cookie the Dog plush.
2nd place seller Ms. Lindsay will receive the Junior Journey's Keepsake Bracelet.
3rd place seller Ms. Mackenzie will receive the Brownie Journey Keepsake Necklace.

will send in orders on Monday via mail.

meanwhile, Katie has been going thru the Junior Badge Book planning future meetings!

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