Monday, December 22, 2008

package from our NY penpals

with christmas cards & swaps.
Hi From Your Pen Pals in Rochester NY

We received your 2nd package of letters and the girls were excited to read them. We read them after helping sort PJS for the Women's shelter on Dec. 1st. 2008. Our troop also just made scarves for Hillside Family Children's Homes for Christmas. They turned out great!
We were all sorry to hear about Kelsie's house catching on fire. It's great to have friends & neighbors to help when it really matters.
Let us know how you like the new Journey books, we haven't decided if we will use them during Jrs. yet.
The girls were wondering if the Zack that a lot of your girls wrote about was all the same boy. They were having lots of fun with that.
We had our Christmas party at the bowling alley this year. It was a great time. We took pictures that we will send with our next letters. Our next meeting isnt' until January 15th, 2009. I hope the girls will have their letters and pictures ready to mail that week. We are sending our hope that all of you stay safe and loved through this Christmas season and the new year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Your Sisters in Scouting Troop 67.
Ms. Diane, Ms. Gina, Ms. Joanne, Amanda, Rebecca, Kelly, Shelly, Katherine, Emma, Mary, Madison, Milanne, Alexa, Samantha, Brianna, Taylor, Kayci.

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