Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies®

Girl Scouts and cookies share a rich history. While recipes and box designs have changed, selling cookies remains an important part of today's Girl Scout program.

Why Girl Scout Cookies?

The activity of selling cookies is directly related to our purpose of helping all girls realize their full potential and become strong, confident, and resourceful citizens.

Girl Scouts practice life skills like goal setting, money management, and teamwork—and they have fun!
Customers get a great product and get to support girls in their own community.
All of the proceeds support Girl Scouting in the local community.
Learning Life Skills

Many successful business women today say they got their start selling Girl Scout Cookies. Girls practice useful life skills like planning, decision-making, and customer service. During cookie activities, girls are members of a team working towards a common goal, with each girl striving to do her best.

Every local troop/group is encouraged to set realistic goals, such as planning field trips and community service projects, to accomplish during the year. The money earned from cookie activities helps the troop/group achieve its goals.

So when your local Girl Scouts come calling with this year's best-selling cookies, remember you're saying hello to tomorrow's business leaders.

Making It Count

All of the proceeds—every penny—from a local council's cookie activities remains in the area where the cookies are sold. This revenue is used to benefit girls, some of it directly by remaining in the Girl Scout troop/group treasury and some of it indirectly by subsidizing the cost of providing the Girl Scout program in the local area.

"Cookie revenue" helps local councils:

Recruit and train volunteer leaders for each troop/group.
Provide the financial assistance needed to make Girl Scouting available for all girls.
Improve and maintain camp and other activity sites.
Keep event/camp fees for all members to a minimum.
Sponsor special events and projects.
Each local council sets the price per box, based on its needs and its knowledge of its local market. The price per box, therefore, may vary from one location to another and from one year to the next. Today's prices reflect both the current cost of purchasing cookies from a licensed baker and the realities of providing Girl Scout activities in an ever-changing economic environment.

*** For the safety and security of the girls who are selling cookies, Girl Scout Cookies are not available for purchase online.***

Baking the Best

The national Girl Scout organization, Girl Scouts of the USA, approves and currently licenses two bakers: ABC/Interbake Foods and Little Brownie Bakers.

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