Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Michelle Obama Becomes National Honoray President of Girl Scouts of the USA

Michelle Obama Becomes National Honorary President of Girl Scouts of the USA


October 8, 2009

Michelle Tompkins
Girl Scouts of the USA

Connie L. Lindsey, Michelle Obama, Kathy Cloninger.

New York, N.Y. – Girl Scouts of the USA is pleased to announce that First Lady Michelle Obama has agreed to serve as its Honorary National President.

"It is my great pleasure to serve as Honorary National President of Girl Scouts," said Mrs. Obama. "With their innovative new programming, ground-breaking research, and emphasis on service and leadership, Girl Scouts is preparing the women of tomorrow to be a positive force for change – in their own lives, their communities, and across the globe."

In accepting the position, Mrs. Obama takes her place in a tradition stretching back to 1917, when First Lady Edith B. Wilson became the first Honorary National President of the Girl Scout movement. Since then, each successive First Lady has served in this post.

Girl Scouts plan to work with the First Lady on areas of mutual concern, such as healthy living, public service and leadership.

"From bullying to obesity to concern over the economy, our nation's girls are facing significant challenges," said Kathy Cloninger, Chief Executive Officer, Girl Scouts of the USA. "Girl Scouts is excited to work with the First Lady's office to ensure that all girls can overcome the challenges they face, and that they have the skills, resources and opportunities they need to become strong, independent young leaders."

"Girl Scouts can help girls from every background develop their self-confidence and leadership ability, and encourage them to make a difference in the world," said Connie L. Lindsey, Girl Scouts of the USA National Board Chair. "The First Lady is a passionate, brilliant and inspirational woman – a fantastic role model for girls across the country. We look forward to an active and mutually rewarding partnership on issues important to girls' lives."

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