Saturday, April 24, 2010

another idea...

the t-shirt thing wasn't going so well, so came up with this....a flower garden picture instead of the flowerpots. (katie's Junior badges on garden, all Lindsays Junior & fun patches in pot). katie likes the cup will put the fun patches in a cup. that makes it look like everyone got more, win!

and Ms. Deb changes her mind...

I dont' like the way my version of the flowerpots looked...I tried adding Easter grass...different heights on the pipe cleaners...just doesn't look right. so after mulling it over for awhile, walked around Show-Me Bargains looking for ideas...and then to Dollar General where I bought posterboard & spray glue & decided I'd try making posterboard shirts to put the badges on...will see how this goes. hey, no rush, awards is just NEXT Sunday. plenty of time...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

all nuts & candy are out of my house!

picked up candy sale prizes from Carrie, emailed Sara to see if she has our cookie prizes. my GS leader sweater came, & Kylie's daisy petals. just waiting on backordered jr. journey patches, & the brownie & cadette bridging & 2 top badge earner badges to arrive. ordered mackenzie a vest...checkbook shows I ordered her one last year...Marcey says they don't have it. so I must've forgotten to send it in or something? hopefully will get here in time!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

candy update

all candy is picked up but Kayla, Kylie, & Mackenzie...thanks parents!

supposed to get the candy prizes (& cookie prizes) this week! so can hand them out next weekend at awards ceremony.

I am working on my bouquet of badges in a flowerpot...couldn't find cheap flowerpots, so using big plastic cups...will put in potting soil & a package of flowers (which I still need to buy since I just thought of it...will need more pipe cleaners, too...I thought I would cut them in half but changed my mind on that, too....)

plan on making several giant cookies & decorating them a bit for our awards refreshments. and I made it early enough that Katie's dad can come, too!

Friday, April 16, 2010

the candy is disappearing...

got all moms contacted by phone or message today...Shelley picked up Lindsays, & Breanna & Jazmine's family picked up theirs!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

nut & candy orders at deb's house

carrie goodin sorted them for us, bless her heart!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ordering more badges...

realized I'd forgotten to order Brownie Wings & the Senior Bridging patch...then realized I needed to find bridging ceremonies, organize the ceremony, get it all typed up so I can read it...then decided instead of attendance awards to give out a Most Patches Earned for a Brownie. and one for a Junior. need to make tags for my special presentation badges...find flower pots & pipe cleaners...staple a million badges...and figure out what our refreshments should be...thinking a giant cookie cut into chunks??? not sure on that one...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

homemade do-si-does (peanut butter sandwich cookie)

Homemade Do-si-dos a.k.a. Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
2 tbsp baking soda
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, room temperature
3/4 cup chunky peanut butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup sugar
3 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups quick-cooking oats (not instant or regular)

1 1/2 cups creamy peanut butter, room temperature
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar

Preheat oven to 350F.
Start with the cookies. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
In a large bowl, cream together butter and peanut butter. Beat in the sugars until fluffy, then add in the eggs one at a time, waiting until each is fully incorporated before adding the next. Stir in vanilla extract.
Working at a low speed, mix in the flour, followed by the oats (if you don’t have quick-cooking, pulse whole rolled oats in the food processor to chop them up a bit).
On a parchment-lined baking sheet, drop teaspoonfuls of batter (roughly 3/4-in. sized balls), leaving about 2 inches between each to allow for spread.
Bake for about 10 minutes, until cookies are a light golden brown. Cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes, making small holes in 1/2 of the cookies (for the tops of the sandwiches) before they set up. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Once cookies have cooled, make the filling.
In a large bowl, cream together smooth peanut butter, butter and confectioners’ sugar until very smooth. Spread 2-3 tsp onto half of the finished cookies and sandwich with the remaining halves. If you chose to make yours with GS-lookalike holes in some of the cookies, use these as the tops of the sandwiches.
Store in an airtight container.

Makes about 48 sandwich cookies.
this is a homemade do-si-dos recipe. looks good enough to try if I weren't so darn lazy....

Note: Use unsalted butter with this recipe, as different brands of peanut butter can vary hugely in salt content and it’s possible you’ll end up with a too-salty cookie with the salted butter, salted peanut butter and added salt. If you must use salted butter and are using brand of peanut butter that seems a bit salty, you can always reduce or eliminate the added salt. Personally, I like the salty sweet combination with peanut butter, but it’s only fair for me to give a little warning just in case!

Monday, April 12, 2010

another girl scout cartoon....

The Pro Girl Scout

And about halfway down Morrissey we found the Girl Scout.

She had most of her worldly possessions laid out on the front lawn of her rental, and an old Volvo out front with license number GIRLSKT. She turned out to be a life-member girl scout who'd gone on to work with the local scout council while studying at UCSC. Rhumba had also been a pro girl scout back in the day, and they exchanged notes.

Then she showed us her tattoos:
Yes, she had girl scout merit badges tattooed down her arm. She'll be in uniform until she dies. Semper Girlscoutis, or what?

She was leaving town the next day for Chicago to enter a doctoral program in cultural anthropology. Remember, this is an in-it-for life girl scout who'd literally illustrated her body with her tribe's sacred symbols. Cultural anthro as a career choice was.... curiously appropriate.


Troop 8044 Awards Ceremony

Sunday, May 2nd, at 2 p.m.
We will have an outdoor ceremony this year...hoping for the benches in front of the butterfly garden, but will use the shelter in case of rain. Morgan, Cortney, & Morrisa will bridge to Juniors. Girls will be presented with the badges they earned this year....plan on making bouquets of badges in a flowerpot! We will recite the Girl Scout Promise & Girl Scout Law...making Girl Scout Law bracelets as we say the law. We will hold up signs spelling out G I R L S C O U T I N G while reading lines about Girl Scouts...yes, Ms. Deb has been online finding ideas again...Refreshments will be served.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

working on awards ceremony....

think we'll make girl scout friendship bracelets...staple all badges to pipe cleaners & arrange into flowerpot bouquets for the girls...the girls will do a G I R L S C O U T I N G
reading...ordered a stuffed frog for Lindsay, our top spring fundraiser seller, & sportsbottles for Cortney & Breanna who were 2 & 3. (I think...)& we'll do the thank you cards for parents again.
have badge orders ready, just need to send in, then set an awards date & make invites.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Meeting

Breanna, Kayla, & Katie earned Walking for Fitness, High on Life, & Fun & Fit. Morgan & Jazmine earned Sports & Games & Safety Sense. Emily was our special guest. we learned about basketball from the beginning to the WNBA & some fun basketball facts. we reviewed some safety rules. then we asked questions in a circle...
If you could play any sport, what would it be?
Jazmine, Morgan, Emily, Breanna, Kayla said basketball, Katie said tennis.
What is your favorite sport?
Morgan, Emily, Breanna, & Jazmine said basketball. Katie said dance. Emily also said soccer, Breanna also said softball.
If you could start your own sportsteam, what would you call it?
Katie: Awesome Blue Gators
Morgan: The Green Smelly Cats
Emily: The Stars
Breanna: Furry Gator Pugs
Kayla: The Tweens
Jazmine: The Gymnastics Club
Can you think of a sports career?
coach, p.e. teacher, ref, ump, store keeper, stats, cheerleaders, sitting around
what are things you do every day to stay safe?
wear a jacket, come home before dark, be back by a certain time, sunscreen, don't talk to strangers, don't smoke, look both ways before crossing the street, don't drink & drive, seatbelts
what's your natural high?
sports, eating, exercise, friends, drinking water, dancing

To make yourself strong and healthy, it is necessary to begin with your insides. Get the blood into good order and the heart to work well.

Juliette Gordon Low

everyone showed a stretch they knew, then after picking daffodils to wear in their hair, the girls headed to City Park to walk a lap while KJ hid Easter Eggs, then the hunt was on! after checking out their bounty, the girls came back to deb's house for healthy water, strawberries, grapes, apples, & cheese cubes.