Monday, April 12, 2010

The Pro Girl Scout

And about halfway down Morrissey we found the Girl Scout.

She had most of her worldly possessions laid out on the front lawn of her rental, and an old Volvo out front with license number GIRLSKT. She turned out to be a life-member girl scout who'd gone on to work with the local scout council while studying at UCSC. Rhumba had also been a pro girl scout back in the day, and they exchanged notes.

Then she showed us her tattoos:
Yes, she had girl scout merit badges tattooed down her arm. She'll be in uniform until she dies. Semper Girlscoutis, or what?

She was leaving town the next day for Chicago to enter a doctoral program in cultural anthropology. Remember, this is an in-it-for life girl scout who'd literally illustrated her body with her tribe's sacred symbols. Cultural anthro as a career choice was.... curiously appropriate.

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