Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Meeting

Breanna, Kayla, & Katie earned Walking for Fitness, High on Life, & Fun & Fit. Morgan & Jazmine earned Sports & Games & Safety Sense. Emily was our special guest. we learned about basketball from the beginning to the WNBA & some fun basketball facts. we reviewed some safety rules. then we asked questions in a circle...
If you could play any sport, what would it be?
Jazmine, Morgan, Emily, Breanna, Kayla said basketball, Katie said tennis.
What is your favorite sport?
Morgan, Emily, Breanna, & Jazmine said basketball. Katie said dance. Emily also said soccer, Breanna also said softball.
If you could start your own sportsteam, what would you call it?
Katie: Awesome Blue Gators
Morgan: The Green Smelly Cats
Emily: The Stars
Breanna: Furry Gator Pugs
Kayla: The Tweens
Jazmine: The Gymnastics Club
Can you think of a sports career?
coach, p.e. teacher, ref, ump, store keeper, stats, cheerleaders, sitting around
what are things you do every day to stay safe?
wear a jacket, come home before dark, be back by a certain time, sunscreen, don't talk to strangers, don't smoke, look both ways before crossing the street, don't drink & drive, seatbelts
what's your natural high?
sports, eating, exercise, friends, drinking water, dancing

To make yourself strong and healthy, it is necessary to begin with your insides. Get the blood into good order and the heart to work well.

Juliette Gordon Low

everyone showed a stretch they knew, then after picking daffodils to wear in their hair, the girls headed to City Park to walk a lap while KJ hid Easter Eggs, then the hunt was on! after checking out their bounty, the girls came back to deb's house for healthy water, strawberries, grapes, apples, & cheese cubes.

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