Saturday, August 30, 2008

Homecoming Baby Show

Kelsie, Moriah, Katie, Lindsay, Dominique, Cortney, Morgan, & Morrisa worked at the Homecoming Baby Show. Kayla was supposed to be there, her mom Jill & sister Kylie filled in for her. (Kayla had spent the nite @ Nicole's, they got there right after the baby show was done.)
Jill helped Kelsie & Katie announce, Lindsay handed ribbons to Miss Mercer, all the girls helped carry & set up & put away, then graciously posed on the stage for a group picture, even though it was real hot & they all wanted a cold drink.
Lindsay's mom & Cortney's mom signed up the babies, Cortney's Grandma, Katie's Grandma, & Katie's Grandpa's girlfriend were the judges.
Katie's mom wasn't very helpful, but she was there.
Lots of the girls stayed after for the kids games.

Jill & I talked about a Girl Scout Float in next years parade, Jill said she would help.
Deb & I talked about ordering Girl Scout Mom shirts, Jill would like one too, will talk to the other moms before we order.
Will set up a September meeting at the park, have had 1 phone call from an interested possible Girl Scout, & Sierra's mom said Sierra was interested, & Hannah said she would like to join. Moriah also plans on joining.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

meetings of the past

I was cleaning out my Girl Scout book & found some notes from past meetings before I started blogging, so will put these on too...
We had a HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY at Siemer Trucking 2006.
Katie & Danielle showed the girls the X-mas dance they made up to a Cheetah Girls song, we voted to learn the dance & do it at Pearls for the residents.
we voted on navy t-shirts.
We taught the new girls the Girl Scout Promise, sign, handshake, The Brownie Ring, quiet sign, friendship circle & friendship squeeze.
Read the Juliette Low story & passed out Juliette Low crosswords for the girls.
Melanie had found fun Halloween games on-line, Peggy found every thing we needed for the games, set them up, & ran them for the girls & everyone had lots of fun!!!
We had birthday cake & Halloween Oreos for Juliette Low's birthday (Deb forgot the forks, it got a bit messy!)
Sent home the Girl Scout Promise, Law, & Brownie Smile song for the girls to take home.
Attending: Nicole,Rayne, Katie, Kelsie, Dominique, Morrisa, Cortney, Kayla, Danielle, Breanna, Jazmine, & Lindsay. Special guests were Shelby, a friend Dominique & Morrisa brought (Deb is awful with names & I didn't write it down!), Zac, Megan, & Michelle.
I called Susan with our shirt order.
Everyone attending got work down on Girl Scout Ways & Her Story Try-Its.

I turned in registration packet to Susan.

we had dance practice at our house, worked on Let's Pretend Try-It, started Friendship books. Peggy set up Pearls for us to dance.

freezing rain. cancelled dance practicel

I had told Nellie the wrong time, so she wasn't there to open the Community Building for our dance practice, so we went to our house. Passed out Santa hats for the girls to wear to dance. Cortney, Lindsay, Kayla, Katie, Morgan, Jazmine, & Breanna were here. Linday, Morgan, Kayla, Katie, Breanna, & Jazmine turned in fundraiser $.

practiced "The Whole Show" complete with singing X-mas songs & the Brownie Smile Song. Cortney absent.
Peggy handed out t-shirts and Xmas party invites, I turned in fall product $ I had.
I screwed up the order, we were missing 1 mom shirt.

Peggy picked up cookie stuff at Bethany.

All 13 girls to Pearls-Jazmine didn't want to sing or dance-but she cheered for the girls (interesting side note: they weren't ready for our show when we got there, so I posed the girls by the Xmas tree for pictures with my old 35mm camera...none of the pictures turned out. I was bummed.)
They danced to the Cheetah Girls "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town", sang "The Brownie Smile Song", "Jingle Bells", & "We Wish You A Merry Christmas."

Brownie Xmas Party 3:30-5:00 Community Building, earned Girl Sports & Playing Around the World Try-Its, played X-mas Simon Says & Musical Reindeer & made X-mas charm bracelets. Each girl brought 2 canned goods that we'll donate to the food pantry in Princeton. Peggy made yummy X-mas treats. The girls worked on their Friendship Books & voted to be penpals with the Canadian Troop Katie's Aunt Lisa found for us.

Katie & I took 26 cans from the Xmas Party to Green Hills Community Action Center in Princeton.

cookie sales kick off meeting...sleet. Peg handed out Fall Product Sales prizes. The girls sampled the new Lemonades Cookie. (this cookie beat out Deb's very favorite cookie Thin Mints. Who would've thought?)

We earned the Senses & Brownie Girl Scouts Through the Years Try-Its.
Rayne, Dominique, & Morrisa were sick, Danielle & Nicole had Tumbling Class, & Kelsie was also absent. (We let these girls make up the activities at a later meeting & they all earned the Try-Its, too.)
Our special guests Zac, Whitney, & Kylie did all the activities right along with us! The girls took turns reading the new & old Brownie stories. Sent in our Troops Juliette Low World Friendship Day contribution.

Founders Day. Breanna, Jazmine, Kayla & Danielle absent. We finished the Caring & Sharing & Her Story Try-Its. For Something I Care About Show & Tell Lindsay brought her dog Max; Morgan brought seashells; Cortney her big stuffed purple horse from her mom & dad; Katie had her Amazing Allyson & her monkey. The other girls told us about things that were important to them. (& I didn't write them down...)
Everyone who attended earned the World Thinking Day patch.

we earned Ms. President & Careers Try-Its & wrote penpal letters. Peggy brought Shamrock cupcakes for our snack.
we played Career Charades, Career Dress up & Fashion Show, What I Want To Be When I Grow Up, What My Mom & Dad do for a living---Lindsay was prepared, she had her mom write down descriptions of their jobs for Lindsay to read to us!!!
Kelsie & Morgan were absent.

Girl Scout Sunday, Katie,Lindsay, Kelsie,Kayla, Danielle, Rayne,Nicole, Dominique, & Morrisa attended church at Mercer Assembly of God. (Deb put their picture in The Mirror.) It was also Kite Sunday at church, so the girls got a free kite to fly afterwards, & Nicole & Rayne won a special kite for bringing the most guests.
in the afternoon we went to the Mercer County Girl Scout Swimming Party at the Stacy Center in Princeton. Katie, Lindsay, Kayla, Nicole, Rayne, Kelsie, & Danielle attended. There was a situation at the Snacks Table, & it'll be hard to convince any of the girls to go again!!! (but they did go back for the next swimming party, & all was well.) The girls donated shoes, socks, or shoelaces to the Shoes for Orphan Souls project, & will each recieve a Girl Scout Week patch.

Monday 19 dance practice, Katie made up a dance to Bratz's "Best Friends" for an upcoming Relay for Life Variety Show.

Tuesday 20 dance practice.

Monday 26th dance practice 100%

Thursday 29th dance practice 100%

Monday APRIL 2
last Best Friends Dance Practice. 100%.
did Scout Codes for Friends Are Fun Try-It. Got all "My Favorite Thing About Brownies" Quotes. Kevin & I counted cookie $. Mailed pen pal letters.

APRIL 3 deposited $3994 cookie $ in account.

danced in the Variety Show. Most of the girls attended the dinner first, our girls didn't get to dance until about 9 p.m., we have some young girls & some of them were getting very tired, but they did a *G*R*E*A*T* job! Katie had her Grandma Janet, Grandpa Lije & his girl friend, Great Grandma Marie, Aunt Lisa, & Cousins Max & Logan there. There was an Easter Basket Sale in the Commons, & several of the girls selected cool Easter baskets on their way out the door.

Easter meeting at City Park, we finished the Friends Are Fun Try-It, played Me & My Shadow, had an Easter Egg Hunt & played Easter games. All but Danielle were there.
Set Awards Ceremony for May 6th 6p.m. Community Building. Each mom will bring a dozen cookies, Peg will supply drink.s

ordered all the badges the girls had earned on my credit card. (was reimbursed by the Troop).

G.S.M. called to confirm badge order.

Awards Ceremony, all but Morgan attended, most of the girls had their entire families there, plus grandparents, aunts, uncles, & cousins!
We did a Rainbow Candle Ceremony, Girl Scout Promise, Brownie Smile Song, the 2nd grade girls did short speeches about different aspects of Girl Scouts & our activities during the year, presented awards & badges, did the Friendship Circle & squeeze, & sang "Make New Friends But Keep The Old."
then we had snacks. Deb had the Girl Scout Scrapbook on display. Took group pictures.

AUGSUT 23 2007 Best of Both Worlds dance practice 3:30-4:30. 100% participation!

all but Rayne & Nicole met at the Mercer Bandstand to earn Listening to the Past Try-It. We played old fashioned games, made handkerchief dolls, had My Favorite Doll Show & Tell, read a Little House story segment about Laura's corncob doll & Mary's rag doll, & had Flavor Burst Ice Cream Cones at Sunny side Diner.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dance Practice

Katie, Kelsie, Kayla, Morgan, Mackenzie, Cortney, Dominique, Morrisa, Breanna, & Jazmine met at the Mercer City Park shelter house to practice their dance to Emily Osment's "I Don't Think About It." We also wrote letters to our new penpals in Texas & Nevada, did the Girl Scout Law with motions in the circle, & took Mascot pictures (again!) Deb handed out the sign up forms to the girls that were there (have to catch Moriah & Lindsay). Kayla's mom & Mackenzie's mom both filled out their forms & turned in their membership fees. Deb filled out hers & Katie's after we got home.
got the pen pal letters ready to send, enclosing pics of the girls writing their letters. think we have the mascot package ready. and the postcard goes to Poland tomorrow. Whew!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

girl scout news

today I ordered our red "Mercer Girl Scouts" t-shirts with the girls names on the back from M&M Apparel in Princeton.
Got our confirmation email from the Mascot Exchange, Katie named our mascot "Carly Cardinal" & wrote a story for her journal.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Flat Lizzie & Flat Lucky Bunny Come Home!

they were visiting Maddy of Troop 521 in Buffalo NY. They sure were busy!
they went to a Girl Scout Rollerskating party-visited Maddy's cabin, found a wild painted turtle, went to Girl Scouts Day at the Ballpark---they saw the Buffalo Bisons vs. Richmond Braves @ Dunn Tire Park in Buffalo. After the game, the Girl Scouts got to go on the field & watch the movie "Enchanted." They went to Buffalo Zoo, went to Maddy's birthday party with a inflatable pool/waterslide, went to McDonalds, Chuckie Cheeses, went to Midway State Park, Chautauqua Park, took a cruise on the Chautauqua Belle, on of the last known steamships east of the Mississipi River. The trip took just under 2 hours and was lots of fun!
They visited Maddy's school, which will be back in session Sept. 3rd.
We went to Niagara Falls! One of the 7 wonders of the world! They posed on "Three Sisters Island." Canada is on the other side of the falls.
They took a picture with "Buffalo Wings", one of our "Herd About Buffalo" statues around Western New York. We went to the aquarium at Niagara Falls. We took a picture at the entrance to Canada, we didn't get to go into Canada because the kids don't have passports yet.
We came home with:
Explore New York Festival Book
Chautauqua County Travel Guide
American's Fair 169th Erie County Fair brochure
Midway State Park brochure
McDonalds book
Aquarium of Niagara brochure
Niagara Falls Travel Guide brochure
Prk Visitor Welcome Kit
invite to Maddy's birthday party
Buffalo Zoo Map
Bison Ball Team Schedule
Shasta Daisy Seeds
tiny picnic basket of candy
goodie bag from Maddy's party
Buffalo Zoo Cup

Friday, August 15, 2008

dance practice

Mackenzie, Morgan, Cortney, Dominique, Morrisa, Breanna, Jazmine, Moriah & Katie met at the park shelter. Katie & Mackenzie made up a new dance last nite to Emily Osment's I Don't Think About It. It looks good.
We voted to order red shirts from M&M Apparel in Princeton with Mercer Girl Scouts on front & the girls names on back.
We tried a thing Deb found on one of her Yahoo Groups...motions to go with the Girl Scout Law. It was a lot of fun! Will try to remember to do this at every meeting!
Have had several emails expressing interest in being our penpals. Will get the girls writing letters next week (we were going to tonite, but ran out of time.)
The mascot exchange will start next month, Deb took pics of the girls with our Cardinal mascot, but they disappeared off the card? So, that is on next weeks list of things to do at dance practice, too.
Our next practice is scheduled for next Thursday 6-7 p.m.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Flat Madeleine Returns Home

she was visiting us from Kenmore, NY.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

dance practice

Morgan, Cortney, Jazmine, Breanna, Dominique, Morrisa, Katie, & Mackenzie met at the park for dance practice. They listened to both songs, Bad to the Bone lost to What I Like About You.
Cortney, Jazmine, Breanna, Dominique, & Morrisa picked their swap hats & made name pins while we listened to the cd Morgan had brought. She also made a cool Girl Scout picture to hang in our window for Girl Scout Week!! They also selected their troop nicknames!
Jazmine: Jazzy
Breanna: Bre Bre or Bee Bee
Dominique: Domino
Morrisa: Rissy or Missy
Cortney: Cort or Giggles

we took group shots with the visiting Stacies, played at the park, & sent home notes for the next dance practice: next Friday 6-7p.m. @ the park.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Morrisa & Lindsay's Missing Stacies

got an email today from the leader who has their Stacies, she had sent one back. The girls who took these dolls home were supposed to send them back, she will try to find them. In the meantime, they have 'twins' out on another trip. Kelsie's girl came back, she also has a 'twin' out on the road. The more the merrier, I guess!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


our new Girl Scout Catalog arrived recently, I was reading the ads for the new Brownie & Junior Journeys...they look cool, so ordered one of each book for the troop to use & we'll try this in addition to the regular badges. The badges you earn are really really cool, plus you can get a bracelet or necklace, too!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Kelsie's Flat Stacie Comes Home

(I thought she was lost, so made a "Twin" of her to send to a Daisy Troop so she'd get a recorded trip, she was visiting West Fairview in Central Pennsylvania Troop Daisy/Brownie Troop #621.)
Kelsie visited the State Capital in Harrisburg where she saw the fountain & had her picture taken in front of it. She also went around our town & saw the Fire House. She was on the fire engine wtih Sarah one of the Brownies. She also attended our town's Memorial Day Parade with us. Thanks for sending Kelsie to PA. I hope she had a good time with our troop!
Kelsie came home with a PA postcard, brochure, & books from the Pennsylvania Capitol & The PA. House of Representatives.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Space Explorer/Sky Search

Kelsie, Kayla, Katie, Lindsay, Mackenzie, & Morgan met at the butterfly garden at Mercer City Park for a Girl Scout meeting...they picked out swap hats, made their first swaps (their names), & picked troop nicknames.
S.W.A.P.S. are Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere or Swap With A Pal, a tradition started by Native Americans.
Troop Nicknames:
Kayla: Angel
Lindsay: Lulu
Morgan: Hannah Montana
Mackenzie: Swifty
Katie: Boo
Kelsie: Farmer Girl

We took group pictures with the visiting Stacies.
We named the planets, talked about constellations, read a Paiute Legend about the North Star, & learned about "Follow The Dipping Gourd", a slave song with directions to use the North Star to find your way North to freedom.

we star gazed, took a flashlight hike, wished upon a star, & sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
we told a group take turns Ghost Story.
Lindsay: "Once upon a time there was 2 little kids who went in the forest to go trick or treating and got lost."
Mackenzie: "there was a girl named Brooklyn, she moved into a creepy house, when she moved in there was a bunch of spooky stuff like cobwebs and skeletons in the closet."
Katie: "they came upon a house in the forest they had never seen before. They knocked on the door to get candy, but no one answered and the door creaked open. Brooklyn said, 'Let's go inside.' So they started looking around the house."
Morgan: "And once they searched around they heard a noise. They looked all over but couldn't see anything then all of a sudden came a witch! And Brooklyn got scared and hid because there were 3 witches and then Brooklyn got ate by a dragon."
Kayla: "and then overlooked the house and found a mountain lion mark and then they found a mountain lion and it killed them."
Lindsay: "Their cousins came looking for them because their mom and dad got worried, and then they found the creepy old house and they found a body, and then they didn't know what they got killed from so they go in-they had hid from the mountain lion. It was high up and had babies-later once they're still looking they find a phone and the mountain lion and her cubs and the dad mountain lion killed them."
Mackenzie: "There was another family who moved in-a black wave came out of a door-it grabbed them and took them into a black hole inside. Nobody died, but there was a shiny star inside. The star gave all of them at least 4 wishes. They wished for a baby."
Katie: "Then the parents got worried because it was midnight and the cousins still weren't home yet. So they creeped out into this haunted house, they heard screams. So they followed it and found the bodies. So they stepped inside-they saw the black hole-andthen they turned around and saw Brooklyn's body rising from the dead. Brooklyn stepped up and she started doing the Monster Mash. And she got closer and closer and then she was so close she was actually hitting them while she was doing the Monster Mash and she broke her fathers nose!"
Kayla: "there was this little baby sister, she knocked at the door. The mountain lion grabbed her in and killed her. And then a little boy came in and got another star and he made a wish that all the bodies would come alive. The bodies came alive and they killed him, then the mountain lion killed them. Now they're all dead."
Morgan: "and then Hannah Montana came in and Jake Ryan and then they got married and had a baby. The end."
We took home little bags of "stardust."