Friday, August 1, 2008

Space Explorer/Sky Search

Kelsie, Kayla, Katie, Lindsay, Mackenzie, & Morgan met at the butterfly garden at Mercer City Park for a Girl Scout meeting...they picked out swap hats, made their first swaps (their names), & picked troop nicknames.
S.W.A.P.S. are Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere or Swap With A Pal, a tradition started by Native Americans.
Troop Nicknames:
Kayla: Angel
Lindsay: Lulu
Morgan: Hannah Montana
Mackenzie: Swifty
Katie: Boo
Kelsie: Farmer Girl

We took group pictures with the visiting Stacies.
We named the planets, talked about constellations, read a Paiute Legend about the North Star, & learned about "Follow The Dipping Gourd", a slave song with directions to use the North Star to find your way North to freedom.

we star gazed, took a flashlight hike, wished upon a star, & sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
we told a group take turns Ghost Story.
Lindsay: "Once upon a time there was 2 little kids who went in the forest to go trick or treating and got lost."
Mackenzie: "there was a girl named Brooklyn, she moved into a creepy house, when she moved in there was a bunch of spooky stuff like cobwebs and skeletons in the closet."
Katie: "they came upon a house in the forest they had never seen before. They knocked on the door to get candy, but no one answered and the door creaked open. Brooklyn said, 'Let's go inside.' So they started looking around the house."
Morgan: "And once they searched around they heard a noise. They looked all over but couldn't see anything then all of a sudden came a witch! And Brooklyn got scared and hid because there were 3 witches and then Brooklyn got ate by a dragon."
Kayla: "and then overlooked the house and found a mountain lion mark and then they found a mountain lion and it killed them."
Lindsay: "Their cousins came looking for them because their mom and dad got worried, and then they found the creepy old house and they found a body, and then they didn't know what they got killed from so they go in-they had hid from the mountain lion. It was high up and had babies-later once they're still looking they find a phone and the mountain lion and her cubs and the dad mountain lion killed them."
Mackenzie: "There was another family who moved in-a black wave came out of a door-it grabbed them and took them into a black hole inside. Nobody died, but there was a shiny star inside. The star gave all of them at least 4 wishes. They wished for a baby."
Katie: "Then the parents got worried because it was midnight and the cousins still weren't home yet. So they creeped out into this haunted house, they heard screams. So they followed it and found the bodies. So they stepped inside-they saw the black hole-andthen they turned around and saw Brooklyn's body rising from the dead. Brooklyn stepped up and she started doing the Monster Mash. And she got closer and closer and then she was so close she was actually hitting them while she was doing the Monster Mash and she broke her fathers nose!"
Kayla: "there was this little baby sister, she knocked at the door. The mountain lion grabbed her in and killed her. And then a little boy came in and got another star and he made a wish that all the bodies would come alive. The bodies came alive and they killed him, then the mountain lion killed them. Now they're all dead."
Morgan: "and then Hannah Montana came in and Jake Ryan and then they got married and had a baby. The end."
We took home little bags of "stardust."

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