Monday, August 4, 2008

Kelsie's Flat Stacie Comes Home

(I thought she was lost, so made a "Twin" of her to send to a Daisy Troop so she'd get a recorded trip, she was visiting West Fairview in Central Pennsylvania Troop Daisy/Brownie Troop #621.)
Kelsie visited the State Capital in Harrisburg where she saw the fountain & had her picture taken in front of it. She also went around our town & saw the Fire House. She was on the fire engine wtih Sarah one of the Brownies. She also attended our town's Memorial Day Parade with us. Thanks for sending Kelsie to PA. I hope she had a good time with our troop!
Kelsie came home with a PA postcard, brochure, & books from the Pennsylvania Capitol & The PA. House of Representatives.

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