Saturday, August 30, 2008

Homecoming Baby Show

Kelsie, Moriah, Katie, Lindsay, Dominique, Cortney, Morgan, & Morrisa worked at the Homecoming Baby Show. Kayla was supposed to be there, her mom Jill & sister Kylie filled in for her. (Kayla had spent the nite @ Nicole's, they got there right after the baby show was done.)
Jill helped Kelsie & Katie announce, Lindsay handed ribbons to Miss Mercer, all the girls helped carry & set up & put away, then graciously posed on the stage for a group picture, even though it was real hot & they all wanted a cold drink.
Lindsay's mom & Cortney's mom signed up the babies, Cortney's Grandma, Katie's Grandma, & Katie's Grandpa's girlfriend were the judges.
Katie's mom wasn't very helpful, but she was there.
Lots of the girls stayed after for the kids games.

Jill & I talked about a Girl Scout Float in next years parade, Jill said she would help.
Deb & I talked about ordering Girl Scout Mom shirts, Jill would like one too, will talk to the other moms before we order.
Will set up a September meeting at the park, have had 1 phone call from an interested possible Girl Scout, & Sierra's mom said Sierra was interested, & Hannah said she would like to join. Moriah also plans on joining.

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