Saturday, January 31, 2009


granted, I was not feeling well when I did the cookie deposit...I turned in the cash to the bank, I was off on it, then they left a message on the machine that they had counted wrong as well & adjusted my deposit.
Sara called today from Princeton, I had done the paperwork correctly, but didn't write a big enough check out of our account to pay the council. When I did the checkbook, of course she was right. good thing I'm not a bank teller, huh?

made plans to give her the check Monday nite while she is at a Cub Scout swimming party at the Stacy Pool & I'm running Katie to the Mercer Lodge for dance class...
alls well that ends well, I guess...

our troop earns 53 cents a box.

started a new Girl Scout scrapbook today with a journal my sister Lisa made for me...revamping one of my old etc. journals...various Girl Scout interest items, vintage pics, famous girls joining, etc.

Friday, January 30, 2009

mailed a postcard

from our troop to the Tawny Owl 2nd Ellon Brownies, a group of 22 Brownies from a town just north of Aberdeen in the North Eats of Scotland.

our Girl Scout Council website

you'll find games, local events, etc.


to all the moms & dads & grandmas & grandpas & aunts & uncles & neigbors & friends who helped the girls sell, deliver, & collect money for the cookie sale.
I know how hard it is to find time to get all this done, and then turn in the money.
all our girls have busy lives....elementary basketball, 4-H, dance classes, older brothers & sisters sports & school events to go to...and their parents have jobs & other obligations, but we always get it done!

and before you know it, it'll be the Spring Product Sale (formerly known as the Fall Product Sale) & we'll be doing it all over again!

our troop profit for this cookie sale was $648.72. we spent $213.95 buying each girl a vest.

We will also order each girl troop numbers & a Cardinal Crest for their vests. It will give them a place for their many badges, plus they will look good wearing them for Awards, etc. And I think they've earned it.

Jan. 30 2009

turned in cookie money to Sara @ Princeton, made cookie deposit into our checking account, & ordered vests & badges by mail from GSM for the Jan. meeting.

(3) medium Brownie vests
(3) large Brownie vests
(4) large Junior vests
(1) medium Junior vest
(10 medium Cadette vest
(3) Brownie My Body Try Its
(3) Brownie Working It Out Try Its
-Mackenzie, Dominique, Morrisa
(3) Juniors Stress Less Badge
(3) Juniors The Choice Is Yours badge
-Katie, Kelsie, Kayla
(1) Studio2B charm Life Don't Sweat It
(1) Studio2b charm Looking In Reaching Out

A veteran Princeton Girl Scout leader mom Keri recommended buying the girl's vests a size larger than they needed, both for them to grow into, & since that gave them more room for badges...the vests were a major chunk of change (they had all risen a dollar in price since I'd decided that we should buy them for the girls...) but they all have full sashes, & the vests will look really good at the Awards Ceremony, & the girls raise the money, we should spend it on them!

when I was in scouts years ago, on the sign up nite, parents would bring outgrown/un- needed scout uniforms to sell there, which was how I always got mine. you wore official uniforms to meetings & events. that was back in the days of dresses, beanies, & the knee socks with tassels.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

cookie money

morgan turned in her money. yay! thanks, Kris! i took all day and almopst all night trying to figure out that dang money. now, all the money is ready to turn in.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

cookie money

kayla turned hers in today (thanks, Brandon!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

cookie $

Moriah & Lindsay turned in their cookie $ today. thanks, girls (& moms!)

Monday, January 26, 2009

cookie money turned in thus far...

1. Kelsie
2. Dominique
3. Morrisa
4. Breanna
5. Jazmine
6. Katie
7. Cortney
8. Mackenzie

thanks to girls & moms! you make my job so much easier!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

rec'd a package from our troop pen pals in TX

Troop 9290 sent individual cards & Cookie Monster eating a Girl Scout Sugar Free Chocolate Chip swaps that are adorable!
They sent a letter thanking us for the swaps we'd sent, & hoping we had a Merry Christmas & that our new year is off to a great start.
They will send a picture of their troop next time.
Kymberlee, Allysann, Jessica, Claire, Tiffany, Jennifer, Jade, Krisen V, Kristen K, Madelynn N., Madelynn M., Jasmine, Kayla, Rhea Anne, CC, Kaylee, Emma, Taylor, McKenzie, leader Michelle, & co-leader Amanda.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lindsay's Flat Stacie finally comes home!

She arrived today from Troop 9315 in Crosby, Texas.
there were no pictures & 1 page of handwriting.
"Hi. I'm Maegan I'm 10 and in the fifth grade. I'm in 4-h and love animals. We went to a birthday party for Juliette Low (founder of girl scouts.) We got to wear our Halloween costumes. I'm Professor Mugman (from Harry Potter.)
my two dogs Winnie & Hershey will only dress up Halloween. My favorite song is Love Story by Taylor Swift, she is my role model. She is very talented. Oh My gosh I just found out I'm top seller. I got a giant dog. I named him Scruffy. I have a little sister Riley. My mom is Clarissa and my daddy's name is Rex. My flat stacie went to Iraq where there is lots of war. I hope you'll enjoy the days in my life."

Monday, January 12, 2009


leaders meeting in Princeton tonite...Girl Scout Week is March 8-14. Will have a swimming party @ the Stacy Center, donation of hygiene item to Trenton Womens' Shelter, & take a snack to share.
mailed Missouri postcards & post office patches to our NY pen pals, mailed a group Missouri postcard & butterfly rings to our pen pal troop in TX.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

January Meeting.

Dominique, Morrisa, Kayla, Katie, Moriah, Kelsie, & Mackenzie gathered for a meeting with special guests Kylie & Jessica. The Brownies earned MY BODY & WORK IT OUT. The Juniors earned STRESS LESS & THE CHOICE IS YOURS. The Cadette earned 2 Studio2B charms, LIFE DON'T SWEAT IT & LOOKING IN REACHING OUT.

Ms. Deb gave each girl a plush snake & cookie fun patch as cookie prizes from our troop. Mackenzie rec'd the Brownie Journey's Necklace for being a top 3 seller. The other top sellers weren't here today.

Kayla got her Journey's book & Xmas gift bag.

we did the Girl Scout Law in a circle, the Girl Scout Promise. All girls know both of these!!!

we passed around the postcard we rec'd from Ohio, gave the girls their pen pal xmas cards & jingle bells.

Kelsie took Carly Cardinal home.

We made a 'friendship' book about what we like about Lindsay.

the girls signed a group Missouri postcard to send to our Texas penpal troop & individual Missouri postcards to send to our penpal group in NY.

each girl got a Stress Less Journal.

the girls thought of decisions they might be making in ten years...buying cars, college, swimming, getting married, driving, graduating college, getting out of school, having fun, getting a cell phone, having a baby, paying bills, going on dates, moving out of Mom & Dad's house...

we did some role playing about tough choices.

we did a take turns story.
"Once upon a time there was a girl who had a problem...
Kayla: her problem was that her homework was not done & it was time to go to bed.
Dominique: she wanted to stay up and do it.
Morrisa: then her parents would say no and she'd go to bed.
Kelsie: and then in the morning when her parents were up and going around while she did it.
Mackenzie: when she went to school she got all the questions wrong.
Moriah: so to explain to her teacher why every question was wrong she told her teacher that her parents would not let her do her homework because it was too late.
Katie: the teacher said yeah right and you should've just done your homework under the blanket with a flashlight.
Jessie: she's going to do her homework the next time as soon as she gets home!"

what would the girls put in a 'stress less kit'?
Jessica: my big stuffed dog
Katie: stuffed animals, song book, pictures of friends
Moriah: songbook, cds
Mackenzie: didn't know
Kelsie: type & listen to music
Dominique: picture of Pooh & a cat
Morrisa: fave stuffed animal
Kayla: stuffed pink talking cat, shaped heart, fave cd.

we did elevator breathing, a listening activity, negotiated, talked about problems girls their age might have & possible solutions, talked about dreams, did face, eye, & arm exercises, & the girls favorite activity: the balloon stress game.

we finished up by making magic scratch pins which seemed to be a hit, & having a healthy snack: cold water, pineapple chunks, cheese cubes, & apple slices.
Katie planned this meeting, everyone seemed to have fun & they were busy! Good Job, Katie!!!


today Moriah, Mackenzie, & Kayla all picked up their cookies. Hooray! The only cookies left in the Dailey house are the ones Katie sold & the leftovers. Today Doug Matthews took 2 boxes of leftover peanut butter patties.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Morgan picked up her cookies. thanx, Kris!

Doug took 3 boxes of our leftover cookies.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dominique & Morrisa

picked up their cookies today! Thanks, Nellie!

breanna & jazmine

picked up their cookies! thanks, Chris & Tracy!


Cortney's cookies were picked up today...thanks, Deb!

Yesterday Melanie took 8 extra boxes of cookies.
Today Shelley took 5 extra boxes of cookies. plus she had the 1 leftover box of shortbreads that I had lost...

Carly Cardinal came back!

Lindsay can't come to the meeting Saturday, so she returned Carly today. There is a picture in the journal of Carly helping Lindsay decorate the Christmas tree at their family's cabin!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Kelsie & Lindsay's cookies have been picked up.
thanks, Melanie & Shelley!
there is an away basketball game that conflicts with our meeting Saturday, Breanna, Lindsay, & Cortney won't be able to come. all the girls have so many interests & activities...they are a fascinating group!

picked up the cookies

kevin loaded the truck, kj & kevin helped me unload the truck, & true to form, I messed up orders toward the end, & kevin had to once again help me recheck everything, but it did all work out in the end. called tracy & shelley last nite, have to call everyone else today.

Friday, January 2, 2009

cookie prize update....

all the badges I had ordered arrived today, plus the cookie prizes...except for Cookie the Plush Dog, which has been discontinued. darn! So, did an online order for a Brownie Journey's Keepsake necklace for Cortney, may have to wait & give the gifts later if hers doesn't arrive by Saturday for the next meeting...I thought I was really on top of things, for once...