Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lindsay's Flat Stacie finally comes home!

She arrived today from Troop 9315 in Crosby, Texas.
there were no pictures & 1 page of handwriting.
"Hi. I'm Maegan I'm 10 and in the fifth grade. I'm in 4-h and love animals. We went to a birthday party for Juliette Low (founder of girl scouts.) We got to wear our Halloween costumes. I'm Professor Mugman (from Harry Potter.)
my two dogs Winnie & Hershey will only dress up Halloween. My favorite song is Love Story by Taylor Swift, she is my role model. She is very talented. Oh My gosh I just found out I'm top seller. I got a giant dog. I named him Scruffy. I have a little sister Riley. My mom is Clarissa and my daddy's name is Rex. My flat stacie went to Iraq where there is lots of war. I hope you'll enjoy the days in my life."

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