Saturday, January 10, 2009

January Meeting.

Dominique, Morrisa, Kayla, Katie, Moriah, Kelsie, & Mackenzie gathered for a meeting with special guests Kylie & Jessica. The Brownies earned MY BODY & WORK IT OUT. The Juniors earned STRESS LESS & THE CHOICE IS YOURS. The Cadette earned 2 Studio2B charms, LIFE DON'T SWEAT IT & LOOKING IN REACHING OUT.

Ms. Deb gave each girl a plush snake & cookie fun patch as cookie prizes from our troop. Mackenzie rec'd the Brownie Journey's Necklace for being a top 3 seller. The other top sellers weren't here today.

Kayla got her Journey's book & Xmas gift bag.

we did the Girl Scout Law in a circle, the Girl Scout Promise. All girls know both of these!!!

we passed around the postcard we rec'd from Ohio, gave the girls their pen pal xmas cards & jingle bells.

Kelsie took Carly Cardinal home.

We made a 'friendship' book about what we like about Lindsay.

the girls signed a group Missouri postcard to send to our Texas penpal troop & individual Missouri postcards to send to our penpal group in NY.

each girl got a Stress Less Journal.

the girls thought of decisions they might be making in ten years...buying cars, college, swimming, getting married, driving, graduating college, getting out of school, having fun, getting a cell phone, having a baby, paying bills, going on dates, moving out of Mom & Dad's house...

we did some role playing about tough choices.

we did a take turns story.
"Once upon a time there was a girl who had a problem...
Kayla: her problem was that her homework was not done & it was time to go to bed.
Dominique: she wanted to stay up and do it.
Morrisa: then her parents would say no and she'd go to bed.
Kelsie: and then in the morning when her parents were up and going around while she did it.
Mackenzie: when she went to school she got all the questions wrong.
Moriah: so to explain to her teacher why every question was wrong she told her teacher that her parents would not let her do her homework because it was too late.
Katie: the teacher said yeah right and you should've just done your homework under the blanket with a flashlight.
Jessie: she's going to do her homework the next time as soon as she gets home!"

what would the girls put in a 'stress less kit'?
Jessica: my big stuffed dog
Katie: stuffed animals, song book, pictures of friends
Moriah: songbook, cds
Mackenzie: didn't know
Kelsie: type & listen to music
Dominique: picture of Pooh & a cat
Morrisa: fave stuffed animal
Kayla: stuffed pink talking cat, shaped heart, fave cd.

we did elevator breathing, a listening activity, negotiated, talked about problems girls their age might have & possible solutions, talked about dreams, did face, eye, & arm exercises, & the girls favorite activity: the balloon stress game.

we finished up by making magic scratch pins which seemed to be a hit, & having a healthy snack: cold water, pineapple chunks, cheese cubes, & apple slices.
Katie planned this meeting, everyone seemed to have fun & they were busy! Good Job, Katie!!!

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