Saturday, January 31, 2009


granted, I was not feeling well when I did the cookie deposit...I turned in the cash to the bank, I was off on it, then they left a message on the machine that they had counted wrong as well & adjusted my deposit.
Sara called today from Princeton, I had done the paperwork correctly, but didn't write a big enough check out of our account to pay the council. When I did the checkbook, of course she was right. good thing I'm not a bank teller, huh?

made plans to give her the check Monday nite while she is at a Cub Scout swimming party at the Stacy Pool & I'm running Katie to the Mercer Lodge for dance class...
alls well that ends well, I guess...

our troop earns 53 cents a box.

started a new Girl Scout scrapbook today with a journal my sister Lisa made for me...revamping one of my old etc. journals...various Girl Scout interest items, vintage pics, famous girls joining, etc.

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