Monday, July 20, 2009

Bridging Poem

From Daisy Girl Scouts dressed in blue
When everything is fresh and new.
We learn our Promise and our Law
And grow strong as we grow tall.

As Brownie Girl Scouts eager to learn,
We try new things and Try-its earn.
We make the world a better place
With big Brownie smiles upon our face.

In Junior Girl Scouts, we venture on,
Exploring our backyard and beyond.
In a circle of friendship, hand in hand,
We are helping people wherever we can.

Girl Scouts 11 to 17 can really achieve;
There is much to do and so much more to see.
They can earn the Silver and the Gold
While making new friends and keeping the old.

Little girls into women grow,
Sharing with others all they know.
Adult Girl Scouts are there to lead
And lend a hand where there's a need.

From level to level, step by step
With sister Girl Scouts, our futures we prep.
We meet the challanges each level brings,
And then we're on to bigger things.

we did this at our 2009 awards ceremony, with each group reading their parts. The girls have a lot of fun reading poems. When someone has trouble with a word, the other girls will help her. It is awesome to watch this group of girls growing up!

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