Friday, July 24, 2009

Lets Go Camping

Jazmine (Hannah Montana), Breanna (Vegas), Morgan (Alex Ruso), Mackenzie (Gomez), Kayla (Leo), & Katie (Bubbles) chose camp nicknames & made camp hats, ate s'mores, told ghost stories, chased fireflies, made terrariums, made a campfire, sang Lean On Me (they decided they'd rather sing He Should Be The One, HoeDown Throw Down, or Ice Cream Freeze instead...). Jazmine was the recipient of "The Nice Book."
Morgan & Kayla's family have campers. Katie, Kayla, Breanna, Jazmine & Morgan's families all have tents.
Morgan, Breanna, Jazmine, & Kayla have been camping.
what would we need to go on a campout? toilet paper, food, water, light, flashlight, protection, flags to mark a trail, outhouse, portapotty, tent or camper, wood, air mattress, blanket, pillow, sleeping gear, bugspray, sunscreen, bandaids, first aid kit, ambulance, compass, tomato juice, sponge, underwear.

Scary Take Turns Story:
Mackenzie: There was one scary mansion with cobwebs & spiders.
Jazmine: A dummy lived inside where people could haunt him.
Breanna: And every now and then, an old man would visit a hotel mansion kind of and he would hear creaking up and down the stairway but no one was there.
Kayla: One time the man he went down the elevator, it got broken at the bottom, it wouldn't go back kup when he went to the bottom it was stuck and wouldn't go back up. Then he saw this person that looked like a real person was hanged, and then for some reason he was so scared he went back to the elevator and for some spooky reason it worked. And he went back up and he started crying and then this man came out and he laughed so hard that he coughed up snot and he told him why he laughed. He told him "You've been practical joked, sucker!" And then they both went back down to the basement floor and then he told him that the man was made to look real but it was a mannequin.
Katie: Then the mans face caught on fire and he laughed. The old man screamed and he ran down the stairs. He fell down the rest of the stairs and broke his hip and the mannequin came to life. No one ever saw that old man again. Some say his soul is trapped in the hotel and whoever comes in will be haunted forever and can never leave.
Morgan: And every night when they slept there they dreamed of the old mans face on fire and when they woke up after the dream they heard an evil laugh and then the ghost of the old man walked into the bedroom but the evil laugh was still there but it wasn't the old man. And it was the dummy under the bed. And then it came to life and grabbed the old mans soul and replaced his soul with the old mans. The mansion turned into a hotel but it was still haunted. A wife and husband went there it was their honeymoon. They had a baby, and the baby turns to evil and then the baby threatened the mother and father and it happened and the baby buried then in his evil fireplace. Their eyeballs caught on fire!
Mackenzie: And every time that family went out for their morning walk, the lightning struck and they saw the man on the horizon.
Jazmine: And then the man that haunted the house his soul was still there and he turned into a real person and then the people that were on a honeymoon they got killed and then there were two more people who came and their wedding was at the hotel and the ghost was at the hotel and he killed the people that were at the wedding. And there was like at least a hundred people there!
Breanna: And this one couple came they just got married and it was their very first wedding anniversary, the one lady was in bed, she woke up and saw a shadow walking into the bathroom. She thought it was her husband, and then she rolled over to his side of the bed and he was still there and she jumped six foot in the air, and the ghost saw here and Katie's dog Sasha turned into a flying sausage that saved the lady and the lady landed on Sasha-and Sasha had some snot stuck in her nose and it was full of boogers and it landed in Katie's mouth and the ghost licked it out.
Kayla: One time there was a lady and she was so fat she beat a semi truck and she was still alive and she went to the hotel with her fat husband the same size as her, and they went to bed they both woke up and they were turned into a gourmet meal. And they had a child that was the drink. The Juicer would come and juice his head into a drink.
Katie: The Juicer squeezed the fat mans head like a lemon-and then another person staying at the hotel walked in-The Juicer invited the person to enjoy this gourmet meal and he ate the whole thing and said that was delicious, and The Juicer opened his hands, he picked up the glass that he squeezed the mans head into and handed it to the person, the person said "May I have another?" and then The Juicer said, "Of course!" He opened his hands once again, he got a glass, and then he squeezed the persons head and said, "Enjoy!" Then he turned into the old man and did his evil laugh once again and said, "I do love lemon juice!"
Morgan: The people that had the first anniversary got divorced-and the woman and the old man got married and they had an evil baby-and they took over the whole world.
The End.
All 6 girls will get an fun patch "Camp Like A Girl."
Jazmine & Morgan will get Earth Is Our Home.
Mackenzie, Breanna, Katie, & Kayla will get Camp Together.

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