Wednesday, December 29, 2010

visiting the Green Hills Animal Shelter

Kayleigh, Emily, Mackenzie, Morrisa, Morgan, Jessie, Sierra, & Katie journeyed in the fog with Deb & KJ at the wheels to donate the cat toys they had made, tour the shelter, & make tiles that will be displayed on a wall at the shelter in the future!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mercer County GS Christmas Party

the council has tried to plan this several times in the past, but the weather always cancelled it. I had vehicle problems on the me & my 3 girls were late....Melissa showed up a bit after us...had THIRTEEN MERCER GIRLS THERE! they were a bit concerned that other girls were there! they made gift bags, decorated cookies, & made 3 ornaments....little xmas trees out of beads, stars, & pipecleaners....reindeer heads out of old puzzle pieces painted brown....and angels out of wire doodads, beads, & ribbon. their favorite activity seemed to be playing foosball. now if we could get the troops to mingle with each girls all stuck to their own group. they all seemed to have a good time. My girls wanted to have a sing-off!
Mackenzie, Breanna, Katie, Jazmine, Braelyn, Aubrey, Sierra, Kayleigh, Melissa, Shelby, Morrisa, Emily, & Trinity attended, so will get a special Xmas fun patch.

Friday, December 17, 2010


planning January's meeting: Brownies will earn Eco Explorer, Juniors Eco Action, & Cadettes Eco Action, plus everyone will earn a Girl Scout Recycling Rocks fun patch!

will make "Keep It Under Your Cap." & ask each girl to bring an old t-shirt. will talk about recycling, look up t-shirt ideas online. will discuss composting.

Recycling began in Ancient Rome. The first US recycling center opened in 1896. During WWII Americans recycled to help the war effort.

ordering vests

Daisy vests for Trinity & Emily
Brownie vests for Aubrey & Braelyn
Jr vests for Sierra & Kayleigh
Cadette vest for Jessie

red shirt for Sierra

the new girls are anxious to get their vests!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Joy To The World!

Kj picked up girls at school while I went to Lineville after Mackenzie....we caroled around the square, decorated cookies & had hot cocoa at my house,then made Christmas Crackers & scrapbook pages.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

cookie stuff turned in....

Mackenzie was top seller with 246, then Emily with 151, and Lindsay with 129.

we have been challanged by a Princeton Brownie Troop to see who can donate the most cans of soup to the community food pantry. fixed up a Christmasy box, & the Dailey's tossed in 4 cans of Campbell's.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

cookie sale is over....

have all order sheets in but 2, supposed to get them tomorrow. got online & ordered top 3 prizes and cookie patches for each girl, + first sale patch for the new girls.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bird Seed Biscuits

makes 1 4" or 2 3"

mix 3/4 cup birdseed with 1 T. flour and 2T. water. pack into greased cookie cutter on foil lined cookie sheet. insert half a straw near top for hanging. bake 170 degrees about an hour until hard. cool. remove straw, insert ribbon and hang.

tried this went a bit better the second time, but decided just to send the ingredients home with the girls if they wanted to try it. much easier to just buy one already made!!! although nothing beats the scent of baking birdseed wafting through your house....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

visit to Green Hills Animal Shelter

meet on Mercer square 1:00 p.m. Wednesday Dec. 29 to donate the kitty toys to animal shelter in Trenton. we'll have a tour & get to meet some animals. then a quick snack in Trenton & back to Mercer.

Joy to The World

we'll meet on Mercer square 3:30p.m. Wednesday, December 15 to carol around town, then back to deb's house for hot cocoa & to decorate cookies & make christmas crafts.

Have You Hugged Your Pet Today?

Saturday November 20th
deb's house
time changed from 10a.m-noon TO 2-4p.m.
(dance rehearsal time changed!)
will make kitty toys to donate to Green Hills Animal shelter, bird seed biscuits to take home for our outdoor feathered friends, & make animal scrapbooks. we'll also have a pet show! everyone will earn an animal/pet related badges plus one of the new Juliette Low Historically Speaking Patches.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Taffy Recipe by Brownie Troop 20

found in my late Great Grandma Amanda Shafers clipping collection.

1 1/2 c light molasses (Karo Syrup)
3/4 c sugar
2 T butter
dash of salt

put mixture into heavy post and cook until it reaches a hardball stage (264 degrees). pour mixture onto a greased cookie sheet. as it cools pull up on the edges and break off into pullable pieces and stretch it out. butter your hands before pulling the hot taffy.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Camp Ghoul Scout!

Katie, Mackenzie, Lindsay, Kayla, Breanna, Jazmine, Aubrey, Sierra, Kayleigh, Kylie, Trinity, Braelyn, Morgan, Morrisa, & Jessica did eerie experiments, played ghastly games, & did some dangerous dancing in their bootiful costumes! Daisys earned a petal, Brownies Science Wonders, Juniors Science In Every Day Life, Cadettes Why In The World, & everyone earned our first Historically Speaking Juliette Low patch...Birthday!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

t-shirt order

ordering shirts for Aubrey, Trinity, Braelyn, Jazmine, Breanna, Kayleigh, Mackenzie, & Katie. need sizes from everyone else.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Camp Ghoul Scout & Cookie Kick Off Party!

Saturday October 23rd 5-7 p.m. Dailey House
wear your bootiful costume & participate in Mad Scientist Experiments
cookie sale runs Oct 30-Nov 30. all girls must be registered ($12 & form) & have signed parent permission slip to sell. collect money as you sell.
contact deb with any questions!

Monday, September 20, 2010

cookie kick off meeting.

was at Cameron...I did find the place without my GPS. I have come to rely on it waaaayyyy 2 much. won a sweatshirt for driving the farthest. there is a new cookie. will have to set up a cookie kick off party. are we excited?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bridging Ceremony

Mackenzie, Moriah, Morrisa, Lindsay, Katie, Sierra, Breanna, Kayleigh, Jessie, Jazmine, Aubrey, Braelyn, Emily, Aubrey, & Shelby attended The Growing Up A Girl Scout Meeting, where the Daisies earned 2 Petals, Brownies earned Brownie Girl Scouts Through The Years & Brownie Girl Scouts Around The World, Juniors earned Girl Scouting In My Future, Girl Scouting In The USA, Cadettes & Senior earned Build A Better Future & Global Girl Scouting.
we reviewed (& taught new girls) the Girl Scout Promise, Law, Handshake, Brownie Smile Song, Friendship Circle & Friendship Squeeze, & History.

Some famous Girl Scouts are Dakota Fanning, Shirley Temple Black, Laura Bush, Katie Couric, Barbara Walters, Mariah Carey, Peggy Fleming, Cathy Rigby Mason...women in the armed forces, publishing, business, education...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

2010 Baby Show

Troop 8044 has hosted the Homecoming Baby Show since at least the first year Katie was in Girl Scouts...this year went pretty smoothly! we had all the right trophies...although 2 were switched, the moms caught it in time & all was well! Mackenzie Hagan & Tate Beavers were Little Miss & Little Mister Mercer. for the first time, we let the older girls be judges. and I had a grandmother of a contestant tell me it was the fairest baby show she had ever been to!

Mackenzie, Morrisa, Melissa, Lindsay, Kayla, Kylie, Katie, Jessie, Breanna, Kayleigh, Trinity, Aubrey & Jazmine all worked this year, along with parents Jill, Brandon, Shelley, & Jennifer. thanks, everyone!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The New & Improved Schedule

revamped things to add in the Cadette Badges..will have a bridging ceremony for them on Sunday, Sept. 19.

Girl Scout Year 2010/2011

February SEW GLAM

Passion for Fashion

Trinity, Braelyn, Morgan, Mackenzie, Kayleigh, Melissa, Lindsay, Kayla, Sierra, & Katie had a My Favorite Outfit Fashion Show, learned about fashion careers, decided you should pay from $5-$80 for a pair of jeans, that shoes really DO make the outfit, learned hickies DON't cause cancer, and reviewed the Girl Scout history, traditions, and basics for the new girls at their meeting. They checked out deb's favorite blog....365 dresses. the girls decided they'll have from 2 pairs of shoes to infinity & beyond pairs of shoes when they are grownups. everyone got a couple of silly bands to use as new "fashion accessories".
they decided the cool things about being a teenager would be school dances, car, job, getting bigger, graduating, hanging with friends, having a baby. the not so cool things would be leaving home & making your mom & siblings cry, taking care of your old parents, getting a job, paying bills, paying for ALL your own stuff.

the girls decided they'll sing 'something' at the homecoming show....if someone can find their Taylor Swift cd or Big Green Tractor cd...all I could find was Owl City Fireflies.

Cadettes earned Fashion Design & Clothing & Uniquely Me Inside & Out Charm
Juniors earned Art to Wear & Becoming A Teen.
Brownies earned Her Story & Girl Scout Ways.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Homecoming Variety Show

the Girl Scouts have been asked to perform in next weeks show...I am thinking Old MacDonald Had A Farm (Mercer Girl Scouts Had A Farm?) to go with the country theme...the girls could hold stuffed animals. Katie gave me the look. she is singing 2 solos, so she is off the hook anyway. will see what the girls want to do at tomorrows meeting...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

times are a changin....

the girls in our troop have come & go over the year....Katie of course is the only original girl...Lindsay & Kayla & Breanna & Jazmine have been in forever....losing one girl this year & have 2 more who want to join.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Passion for Fashion Meeting

Saturday August 28th 2-4 p.m. Katie's house

wear your favorite outfit for a fashion show!

we'll also check out a fashion blog, draw our own sketches, & see if we're interested in a fashion career.

we'll also discuss if we want to have a float in the homecoming parade...the theme Keepin' It Country would be easy to decorate for! stuffed farm animals...cowboy hats...western shirts....

and do we want to put together an act for the talent show?

any questions?



Thursday, August 12, 2010

Homecoming Baby Show

traditionally our troop has sponsored the Homecoming Baby Show...I am assuming we will this year as well. It will be Saturday, September 4th, at 9:30. we usually start signing people up at 9. fun times, fun times.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Come On In, The Waters Fine!

Breanna, Jazmine, & Katie were the only Girl Scouts who could make the swimming party. Jazmine found a snake in the pool! they swam for awhile, then had ice cream at Calamitys.
the girls earned Swimming and Water Fun.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Camp Girl Scout

Kylie, Kayla, Cortney, Morgan, Jazmine, Breanna, Katie, Mackenzie, & Lindsay made earned Advantage Troop Camping, the Brownies earned Camping & Games For Life, Juniors earned Outdoors in the City & Outdoor Cook.
we tried games kids play in the city....double dutch, stickball, frisbie, & skully. we made s'more, sun tea, Gorp, ziploc bag ice cream, & strawberry sun jam. we talked about wildlife & gardening in the city. We decorated camp mini buttons & made native rock necklaces. We set up our camp site, picked out who went in what tent...(big girls, little girls), sang campfire songs, the girls played at the park & made music videos. we tried to sleep outside, the bullfrogs were loud...the horse across the road stomping was loud...the train was loud...the crickets were loud...the kids talking at the park after hours were loud...the fireworks were loud...the big girls gave it up about 1:30 a.m., the little girls soon followed,then Kylie & I. took them a while to settle down, but eventually everyone got a little bit of sleep.
what will the girls remember most? Cortney kissing a frog to see if he'd turn into Justin Bieber? Kayla's spectacular fall into the water puddle? the skeleton Mackenzie drew for her Skully course? the roly poly house Jazmine & Kylie made? shrieking in the dark? Jazmine trying to scare the big girls? how grouchy Ms. Deb was?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Come On In, The Water's Fine!

Saturday, August 7th
1 p.m.
we'll meet at Princeton Pool for a couple of hours of swimming, then head to Calamity's for ice cream! let deb know if you need a ride!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Juliette Low Birthplace

Mackenzie is on vacation in Georgia...her mom took a picture of the Juliette Low Birthplace sign!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

in breaking Girl Scout news...

bought a tent for the camp out, so we'll have the old crappy tent & the cool new tent. Kevin cleaned the grill up so I can use it. have been going thru my years of craft ideas ripped out of Family Fun magazines...finding crafts for our meetings next year. most of the girls love crafts. my daughter is not so fond of them. we can make snowglobes from baby food jars, octopuses from gloves, cat toys from baby socks, mummies from craft sticks & gauze, autumn leaves from yarn...the possibilities are endless!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

sent out invites today

for Camp Girl Scout...
Saturday July 24
10 a.m. Katie's yard
bring a sleeping bag if you have one.
wear OLD clothes!
will camp in yard (weather permitting), inside if we must.
pick up 10 a.m. Sunday

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Camp Girl Scout

back to the "Outdoors in the City" theme...with some outdoor cooking & crafts thrown in for good measure. I hope the girls will have fun! if not, there's always dvds in the livingroom....
still debating on buying another tent or trying to rig up homemade ones...hmmm...
Katie has asked to approve all plans. which is a good idea, anyway!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

GirlScout update

we didn't march in the parade...only had one girl who could do it.
Junior & Cadette Journey badges finally arrived...gave Bre & Katie theirs.
planning a Camp Girl Scout this summer, & a hike at Lake Paho.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

an invitation

we have been invited to participate in a Memorial Day parade here in Mercer on Saturday May 22nd. line up by the bank at 9:30, the parade starts at 10 a.m. dinner & program to follow. I know that Katie & Mackenzie will be performing at Worlds of Fun Festival of Dance that morning...Can anyone be in the parade? I'd like to let them know...would need a couple of moms, too...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Troop 8044 2010 Awards Ceremony

Girl Scout Awards Ceremony May 2 2010
Mercer city Park Butterfly Garden

attending: Morgan & Kris Eastin, Lindsay & Shelley Wyatt, Patty Puffer, Kay Wyatt, Jazmine, Breanna, & Tracy Main, Morrisa, Shelby, & Brandon Henley,
Kylie, Kayla, & Jill Gannon, Cortney & Deb Goodman, Dottie Roberts, Katie, Deb, & Kevin Dailey

1. Girl Scout Promise
On my honor I will try
To serve God & My country
To help people at all times
And to live by the GS law

Girl Scout Law while making bracelet:
I will do my best to be:
*honest & fair (light blue bead)
*friendly & helpful (yellow bead)
*considerate & caring (light green bead)
*courageous & strong (red bead)
*responsible for what I say and do:(orange)
*and to respect myself & others (purple bead)
*respect authority (magenta)
*use resources wisely (green)
*make the world a better place (rose)
*and to be sister to every Girl Scout(violet)

2. The Spelling of Girl Scouting.
give each girl a sign to hold up, they read the back
{Kayla & Katie each ended up with 2}
G is for giving
I is for ideas
R is for respect
L is for loyalty
S is for sincerity
C is for consideration
O is for obligation
U is for YOU!
T is for teamwork
I is for integrity
N is for nice
G is for Girl Scouts!

3.present badges
Girl Scouts earn official patches & fun patches.
present Earned & Journey badges
"the Junior Journey badges are backordered...will give
them out as soon as they arrive.
present fun patches...we performed at Mercer Homecoming,
had a float in the parade, went Christmas Caroling around
the square, went to church, ate pizza, & went swimming
for Girl Scout Sunday, & had an Easter Egg Hunt.
Our girls are involved in lots of activities...we have
basketball players, dancers, band members, 4-Hers...
and of course the girls have siblings & family members
who also have busy schedules, so we try to have meetings
at different times to give everyone a chance to come!

Our Troop Sold 1036 boxes of Cookies!
Top Seller Cookies Mackenzie...220 boxes!---present patch
Lindsay was 2nd with 167 boxes
Cortney was 3rd with 162 boxes
present cookie sales prizes
Top Seller Nuts & Candy Lindsay present patch & prize
Cortney was 2nd present prize
Breanna was 3rd present prize
present nuts & candy sales prizes
Most Brownie Badges (10!) Jazmine
Most Junior Badges (14!) Katie

I have some special patches for girls who volunteered:
Helped at Baby Show

Delivered Kid Kits to Leon Hospital

4.girls give thank you cards to parents
5.bridging ceremony...
"Morrisa, Cortney,Morgan please come forward
You brought happy brownie smiles to our troop
you learned through trying many things
now you are ready for new adventures,
as Juniors, your ideas can take wings."
present each girl with their wings
6.Moriah bridge to Seniors
{she wasn't there} picture
8. refreshments....giant chocolate chip & sugar cookies & water....

turned out to be a beautiful ceremony, a little bit hot & breezy...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

another idea...

the t-shirt thing wasn't going so well, so came up with this....a flower garden picture instead of the flowerpots. (katie's Junior badges on garden, all Lindsays Junior & fun patches in pot). katie likes the cup will put the fun patches in a cup. that makes it look like everyone got more, win!

and Ms. Deb changes her mind...

I dont' like the way my version of the flowerpots looked...I tried adding Easter grass...different heights on the pipe cleaners...just doesn't look right. so after mulling it over for awhile, walked around Show-Me Bargains looking for ideas...and then to Dollar General where I bought posterboard & spray glue & decided I'd try making posterboard shirts to put the badges on...will see how this goes. hey, no rush, awards is just NEXT Sunday. plenty of time...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

all nuts & candy are out of my house!

picked up candy sale prizes from Carrie, emailed Sara to see if she has our cookie prizes. my GS leader sweater came, & Kylie's daisy petals. just waiting on backordered jr. journey patches, & the brownie & cadette bridging & 2 top badge earner badges to arrive. ordered mackenzie a vest...checkbook shows I ordered her one last year...Marcey says they don't have it. so I must've forgotten to send it in or something? hopefully will get here in time!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

candy update

all candy is picked up but Kayla, Kylie, & Mackenzie...thanks parents!

supposed to get the candy prizes (& cookie prizes) this week! so can hand them out next weekend at awards ceremony.

I am working on my bouquet of badges in a flowerpot...couldn't find cheap flowerpots, so using big plastic cups...will put in potting soil & a package of flowers (which I still need to buy since I just thought of it...will need more pipe cleaners, too...I thought I would cut them in half but changed my mind on that, too....)

plan on making several giant cookies & decorating them a bit for our awards refreshments. and I made it early enough that Katie's dad can come, too!

Friday, April 16, 2010

the candy is disappearing...

got all moms contacted by phone or message today...Shelley picked up Lindsays, & Breanna & Jazmine's family picked up theirs!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

nut & candy orders at deb's house

carrie goodin sorted them for us, bless her heart!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ordering more badges...

realized I'd forgotten to order Brownie Wings & the Senior Bridging patch...then realized I needed to find bridging ceremonies, organize the ceremony, get it all typed up so I can read it...then decided instead of attendance awards to give out a Most Patches Earned for a Brownie. and one for a Junior. need to make tags for my special presentation badges...find flower pots & pipe cleaners...staple a million badges...and figure out what our refreshments should be...thinking a giant cookie cut into chunks??? not sure on that one...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

homemade do-si-does (peanut butter sandwich cookie)

Homemade Do-si-dos a.k.a. Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies
2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
2 tbsp baking soda
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, room temperature
3/4 cup chunky peanut butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup sugar
3 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups quick-cooking oats (not instant or regular)

1 1/2 cups creamy peanut butter, room temperature
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar

Preheat oven to 350F.
Start with the cookies. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
In a large bowl, cream together butter and peanut butter. Beat in the sugars until fluffy, then add in the eggs one at a time, waiting until each is fully incorporated before adding the next. Stir in vanilla extract.
Working at a low speed, mix in the flour, followed by the oats (if you don’t have quick-cooking, pulse whole rolled oats in the food processor to chop them up a bit).
On a parchment-lined baking sheet, drop teaspoonfuls of batter (roughly 3/4-in. sized balls), leaving about 2 inches between each to allow for spread.
Bake for about 10 minutes, until cookies are a light golden brown. Cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes, making small holes in 1/2 of the cookies (for the tops of the sandwiches) before they set up. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

Once cookies have cooled, make the filling.
In a large bowl, cream together smooth peanut butter, butter and confectioners’ sugar until very smooth. Spread 2-3 tsp onto half of the finished cookies and sandwich with the remaining halves. If you chose to make yours with GS-lookalike holes in some of the cookies, use these as the tops of the sandwiches.
Store in an airtight container.

Makes about 48 sandwich cookies.
this is a homemade do-si-dos recipe. looks good enough to try if I weren't so darn lazy....

Note: Use unsalted butter with this recipe, as different brands of peanut butter can vary hugely in salt content and it’s possible you’ll end up with a too-salty cookie with the salted butter, salted peanut butter and added salt. If you must use salted butter and are using brand of peanut butter that seems a bit salty, you can always reduce or eliminate the added salt. Personally, I like the salty sweet combination with peanut butter, but it’s only fair for me to give a little warning just in case!

Monday, April 12, 2010

another girl scout cartoon....

The Pro Girl Scout

And about halfway down Morrissey we found the Girl Scout.

She had most of her worldly possessions laid out on the front lawn of her rental, and an old Volvo out front with license number GIRLSKT. She turned out to be a life-member girl scout who'd gone on to work with the local scout council while studying at UCSC. Rhumba had also been a pro girl scout back in the day, and they exchanged notes.

Then she showed us her tattoos:
Yes, she had girl scout merit badges tattooed down her arm. She'll be in uniform until she dies. Semper Girlscoutis, or what?

She was leaving town the next day for Chicago to enter a doctoral program in cultural anthropology. Remember, this is an in-it-for life girl scout who'd literally illustrated her body with her tribe's sacred symbols. Cultural anthro as a career choice was.... curiously appropriate.


Troop 8044 Awards Ceremony

Sunday, May 2nd, at 2 p.m.
We will have an outdoor ceremony this year...hoping for the benches in front of the butterfly garden, but will use the shelter in case of rain. Morgan, Cortney, & Morrisa will bridge to Juniors. Girls will be presented with the badges they earned this year....plan on making bouquets of badges in a flowerpot! We will recite the Girl Scout Promise & Girl Scout Law...making Girl Scout Law bracelets as we say the law. We will hold up signs spelling out G I R L S C O U T I N G while reading lines about Girl Scouts...yes, Ms. Deb has been online finding ideas again...Refreshments will be served.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

working on awards ceremony....

think we'll make girl scout friendship bracelets...staple all badges to pipe cleaners & arrange into flowerpot bouquets for the girls...the girls will do a G I R L S C O U T I N G
reading...ordered a stuffed frog for Lindsay, our top spring fundraiser seller, & sportsbottles for Cortney & Breanna who were 2 & 3. (I think...)& we'll do the thank you cards for parents again.
have badge orders ready, just need to send in, then set an awards date & make invites.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Meeting

Breanna, Kayla, & Katie earned Walking for Fitness, High on Life, & Fun & Fit. Morgan & Jazmine earned Sports & Games & Safety Sense. Emily was our special guest. we learned about basketball from the beginning to the WNBA & some fun basketball facts. we reviewed some safety rules. then we asked questions in a circle...
If you could play any sport, what would it be?
Jazmine, Morgan, Emily, Breanna, Kayla said basketball, Katie said tennis.
What is your favorite sport?
Morgan, Emily, Breanna, & Jazmine said basketball. Katie said dance. Emily also said soccer, Breanna also said softball.
If you could start your own sportsteam, what would you call it?
Katie: Awesome Blue Gators
Morgan: The Green Smelly Cats
Emily: The Stars
Breanna: Furry Gator Pugs
Kayla: The Tweens
Jazmine: The Gymnastics Club
Can you think of a sports career?
coach, p.e. teacher, ref, ump, store keeper, stats, cheerleaders, sitting around
what are things you do every day to stay safe?
wear a jacket, come home before dark, be back by a certain time, sunscreen, don't talk to strangers, don't smoke, look both ways before crossing the street, don't drink & drive, seatbelts
what's your natural high?
sports, eating, exercise, friends, drinking water, dancing

To make yourself strong and healthy, it is necessary to begin with your insides. Get the blood into good order and the heart to work well.

Juliette Gordon Low

everyone showed a stretch they knew, then after picking daffodils to wear in their hair, the girls headed to City Park to walk a lap while KJ hid Easter Eggs, then the hunt was on! after checking out their bounty, the girls came back to deb's house for healthy water, strawberries, grapes, apples, & cheese cubes.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

another fundraiser is completed...

turned in all our paperwork today & put the $ in the bank.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

the fundraiser is completed~!

all paperwork turned in (thank you Cortney, Kayla, & Kylie!) all my paperwork done, deposit ready, will turn into fundraiser chairperson tomorrow. whew! we made $167. Lindsay was high seller, Cortney 2nd, & Breanna & Jazmine were a close 3rd & 4th. will find something cool to give the girls as a thank you...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

fundraiser update

rec'd forms/$ from Morgan & Mackenzie. Moriah didn't have time to sell. I never did get around to anymore paperwork...Katie & I took Sasha on a walk, I swept floors, made supper, shot hoops at the park with Katie, helped her study for science test, then we watched Coraline in 3-D...just ran out of time. it's first on my tomorrow to-do list!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Lindsay, Breanna, Jazmine, & Katie have their paperwork turned in. contacted all parents. Morrisa didn't sell anything. left Moriah a message. the rest will turn in tomorrow or Wednesday.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Girl Scout Sunday

Mackenzie, Katie, Morrisa, Kayla, Kylie, Morgan, Lindsay, Jazmine, Breanna, & Cortney, special guests Nicole & Whitney, & grownups Ms. Deb, Ms. Deb, & Ms. Jill attended Mercer Baptist Church; had pizza & ice cream at Mercer Pizza Plus; and went swimming at The Stacy Center.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Girl Scout News

Spring Product Sale starts March 8 & ends March 22.
I have sales kits for Moriah, Kayla, Kylie, & Cortney.
when you take the orders & turn it all in with your

We will celebrate Girl Scout Sunday on March 14.
wear your shirt or vest & meet at Mercer Baptist
Church at 10:20 a.m. for church at 10:30. then we'll
have pizza at Mercer Pizza Plus & swim at the Stacy
Center in Princeton. Deb will provide transportation
from church to Pizza Plus & to the Stacy Center. Girl
Scout Sunday is actually this weekend, but I have to
work, so it will just be Mercer Girl Scouts at the pool
(unless some of our Princeton Girl Scout friends just
happen to be there!)

Saturday April 3 wear your tennis shoes & bring your
Easter baskets, we'll have our annual egg hunt & get
some exercise, too.
Juniors will earn: Walking for Fitness,Fun & Fit,
& High on Life.
Brownies will earn: Sports & Games & Safety Sense
we'll start at Deb's house & see how the weather is...
2-4 p.m.

we will have our Awards Ceremony in May. Cortney,
Morrisa, & Morgan will bridge up to Juniors.
Moriah will bridge up to Senior.

any questions contact deb:
748 6368
382 5809
check out our troop blog:
or our troop facebook page:
Mercer Girl Scouts

Thursday, February 25, 2010

counterfeit money & hobbies...

Jazmine, Breanna, Morgan, Morrisa, Lindsay, Kayla, & Katie learned about counterfeit money & talked about their hobbies & collections. Katie & Kayla collect bouncy balls & seashells, Lindsay has about 150 stuffed animals, Jazmine & Breanna have glass dolls, Morgan has about 40 pet shop dolls, & Morrisa collects Disney Channel books.
The Juniors earned Collecting Hobbies & Consumer Power.
The Brownies earned Hobbies & Penny Power.